The articles in this book display the originality and creativity of Eros and Eris, and their important role in the history of our culture, particularly in the history of philosophy and its role in today's systematic philosophy. Although these contributions to a hermeneutical phenomenology in this compilation are organized in a linear-chronological order (treating Homer, Hesiod, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, Cusanus, Kant, Hegel, Schelling, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger and Levinas), they all carry out their own hermeneutical movement in the history of philosphy on the basis of a commitment with out life, here and now, and a thematic, professional interest. Among the contributors are: R. Bernasconi, J. Colette, J. F. Courtine, L. Dupré, Kl. Düsing, J. Greisch, J. Kockelmans, P. -J. Labarrière and G. Jarczyk, E. Levinas, Al. Lingis, J. -L. Marion, O. Pöggeler, W. Richardson, P. Ricoeur, J. Sallis, M. Theunissen and S. IJsseling.
Eros and Eris: The Trojan War and Heidegger on the Essence of Truth. - Hesiods theogonische Eris. - Wandlungen der Tugendlehre bei Platon und Aristoteles. - Über den tragischen Charakter des Handelns bei Aristoteles und Hegel. - At War within Oneself: Augustine s Phenomenology of the Will in the Confessions. - Strategien des Begehrens: Liebe und Konflikt bei Augustinus. - L Absolu et le Relatif dans la Doctrine Bonaventurienne. Le Dernier Horizon de la Pensée. - Like Straw : Religion and Psychoanalysis. - The Mystical Theology of Cusanus s De Visione Dei. - From Necessity to Possibility. - Kants Idee einer Weltrepublik. - Hegel und das absolute Wissen. - Critique et Système de la Métaphysique dans la Dernière Philosophie de Schelling. - Do Not Forget the Whip . Notes on a Pronouncement of Nietzsche. - Die Einheit der phänomenologischen Philosophie. - Spacing Imagination. Husserl and the Phenomenology of Imagination. - Le Possible et la Révélation. - L Ardeur de la Pensée. - Das Leibphänomen: ein Versäumnis von Sein und Zeit. - The Destination. - Ethics, History, Religion. The Limits of the Philosophy of Levinas. - Feindschaft, Freundschaft und Leiblichkeit bei Levinas. - Fragilité et Responsabilité. - Curriculum Vitae and Publications. - Personalia.