Bible and Cinema: An Introduction is a comprehensive examination of how the Bible has been used and represented in mainstream cinema to develop their plots, characters, and themes.
Introduction Part 1 The Bible on Film 1 "As It Has Been Written": The Old Testament Epics 2 "I Have Seen The Lord": Jesus on the Silver Screen 3 "Make Disciples Of All Nations": Swords, Sandals, and Christianity 4 "What Would Jesus Do?" Epic and Analogy Part 2 The Bible in Film 5 "Make Them Known To Your Children": The Old Testament in Modern Guise 6 "One Like A Son Of Man": Christ-Figure Films 7 "The Devil Quotes Scripture": Movies and Morals 8 "In That Future Day": Worlds Destroyed and Restored 9 "My Heart Is Glad, And My Soul Rejoices": Cinema and Transcendence Conclusion