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Band 1

A Game of Thrones

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Zustellung: Fr, 05.07. - Mo, 08.07.
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Winter is coming. Such is the stern motto of House Stark, the northernmost of the fiefdoms that owe allegiance to King Robert Baratheon in far-off King's Landing. There Eddard Stark of Winterfell rules in Robert's name. There his family dwells in peace and comfort: his proud wife, Catelyn; his sons Robb, Brandon, and Rickon; his daughters Sansa and Arya; and his bastard son, Jon Snow. Far to the north, behind the towering Wall, lie savage Wildings and worse-unnatural things relegated to myth during the centuries-long summer, but proving all too real and all too deadly in the turning of the season.

Yet a more immediate threat lurks to the south, where Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, has died under mysterious circumstances. Now Robert is riding north to Winterfell, bringing his queen, the lovely but cold Cersei, his son, the cruel, vainglorious Prince Joffrey, and the queen's brothers Jaime and Tyrion of the powerful and wealthy House Lannister-the first a swordsman without equal, the second a dwarf whose stunted stature belies a brilliant mind. All are heading for Winterfell and a fateful encounter that will change the course of kingdoms.

Meanwhile, across the Narrow Sea, Prince Viserys, heir of the fallen House Targaryen, which once ruled all of Westeros, schemes to reclaim the throne with an army of barbarian Dothraki-whose loyalty he will purchase in the only coin left to him: his beautiful yet innocent sister, Daenerys.

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15. August 1996
A Song of Ice and Fire, 1
George R. R. Martin
1016 g
Größe (L/B/H)
241/163/53 mm


George R. R. Martin

George R. R. Martin is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of many novels, including the acclaimed series A Song of Ice and Fire—A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, and A Dance with Dragons—as well as Tuf Voyaging, Fevre Dream, The Armageddon Rag, Dying of the Light, Windhaven (with Lisa Tuttle), and Dreamsongs Volumes I and II. He is also the creator of The Lands of Ice and Fire, a collection of maps from A Song of Ice and Fire featuring original artwork from illustrator and cartographer Jonathan Roberts, and The World of Ice & Fire (with Elio M. García, Jr., and Linda Antonsson). As a writer-producer, Martin has worked on The Twilight Zone, Beauty and the Beast, and various feature films and pilots that were never made. He lives with the lovely Parris in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


I always expect the best from George R. R. Martin, and he always delivers. Robert Jordan

Reminiscent of T. H. White s The Once and Future King, this novel is an absorbing combination of the mythic, the sweepingly historical, and the intensely personal. Chicago Sun-Times

A vast, rich saga, with splendid characters and an intricate plot flawlessly articulated against a backdrop of real depth and texture. Kirkus Reviews

Martin makes a triumphant return to high fantasy . . . [with] superbly developed characters, accomplished prose, and sheer bloodymindedness. Publishers Weekly, starred review

A splendid saga . . . . Inventive and intricately plotted. BookPage

Such a splendid tale and such a fantasticorical! I read my eyes out and couldn't stop til I finished and it was dawn. Anne McCaffrey


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LovelyBooks-BewertungVon AlineCharly am 04.03.2024
Should have started this series years ago
LovelyBooks-BewertungVon Natiibooks am 29.09.2022
EN: You have no idea how proud I am that I finally read this book, after all it has been unread in my TBR for almost 5 years and I'm finally getting around to it. In Game of Thrones we follow the Starks and other families fighting each other for the throne of thorns. His writing style was simple than I expected so the story was easy to read and we follow multiple characters. I myself never really watched GOT as a TV series, but I already knew some things, but I wish I didn't know these things, because I would have enjoyed the surprise moments more, but I still liked this book. The story gets on your nerves at the end because you can't help but either love or hate the characters. And yet it doesn't let you go because you just wanted to know more. Especially the moments of the Starks really got to me and I even had some emotional moments especially since I didn't expect to connect so deeply with the characters even though I knew what was happening. Still, I found the story to be good and the twists were well integrated and I have to say I enjoyed following the storyline of the different characters that lead to a whole. I particularly liked Jon and Arya here and I'm excited about Volume 2 and what to expect and overall it was good and I can't wait to continue because this world, no matter how cruel it should be, has something that I absolutely love need to learn more.DE: Ihr wisst gar nicht wie Stolz auf mich bin endlich dieses Buch gelesen zu haben immerhin ist es schon seit fast 5 Jahren ungelesen in meiner TBR und endlich komme ich dazu. In Game of Throns folgen wir denn Starks und andere Familien die sich gegenseitig bekämpfen um den Dornenthron. Der Schreibstil von ihm war einfach als ich erwartet habe deswegen war es einfach die Geschichte zu Lesen außerdem folgen wir mehrere Charaktere. Ich selbst hab GOT nie wirklich als TV Serie angeschaut dennoch wusste ich bereits einige Sachen dennoch hätte ich mir gewünscht ich wüsste diese Sachen nicht denn so hätte ich die Überraschung Momente mehr genossen aber dennoch mochte ich dieses Buch. Die Geschichte bringt einen am Ende sein Nerven denn man kann nicht anderes als die Charaktere entweder zu Lieben oder zu Hassen. Und dennoch lässt es einen nicht los da man einfach mehr wissen wollte. Besonders die Momente von denn Starks gingen mir sehr nah und ich hatte sogar einige Emotionale Momente insbesondere da ich nicht erwartet habe so tief mit denn Charaktere zu binden obwohl ich wusste was passiert. Dennoch fand ich die Geschichte gut und auch die Wendungen waren gut eingebaut und ich muss sagen das ich es genossen habe der Storyline der verschiedenen Charaktere zu folgen die zu einem ganzen führen. Besonders Jon und Arya haben mir hier am besten gefallen und ich bin gespannt im Band 2 und was mich  erwartet und im ganzen war es gut und kann es kaum abwarten weiter zu machen denn diese Welt so grausam auch sie sein sollte hat was anziehendes das ich unbedingt mehr erfahren muss.