Friis and Crease illustrate the diversity of content and styles in postphenomenology, a burgeoning field that has attracted attention among scholars engaged in technology studies. Contributors to this edited collection seek to analyze, clarify, and develop postphenomenological. . .
1. Postphenomenology's North American Future, Robert C. Scharff
2. Beyond Originary Givenness? Postphenomenology, Digital Imaging and Evidentiary Responsibility, Shannon Vallor
3. Historical Variations and the Cellular Age, Galit Wellner
4. On Postphenomenology and the Postcolonial, Srikanth Mallavarapu
5. What is Multistability? A Theory of the Keystone Concept of Postphenomenological Research, Kyle Powys Whyte
6. Hospital Architecture and Design in Post-Phenomenological Perspective, Lars Botin
7. Post-Telescope-Postphenomenology? . . . and a little Locomotive History, Michael Funk
8. The Dubstep Mashup, Stacy O. Irwin
9. Postphenomenology: What's New? What's Next? Robert Rosenberger
10. An Introduction to Hyperology: The Age of the Chimera, Roisin Lally
11. Nursing's Nightingale needed a lamp! Anette Forss
12. Multistable roboethics, Cathrine Hasse
13. Towards a Theory of Technological Mediation: A Program for Postphenomenological Research, Peter-Paul Verbeek
14. Don Ihde's Relevance to the Gun Debates, Evan Selinger
15. Technology and the Environment: Lessons from Fukushima, Junichi Murata
16. How Does Technology Alter Sports: Body, Space, and Ethics, Shoji Nagataki
17. Somatology of Aurality: The Voice of the Material World, Eduardo Mendieta