In a universe teeming with life, the origins of creation have long been shrouded in mystery. "The Seed" delves into the unknown, following the discovery of an ancient alien ship-an enigmatic biological entity drifting silently through space. With the power to seed entire worlds with life, the ship may hold the key to understanding the beginnings of life itself.
When humanity stumbles upon the colossal vessel, the crew of the Daedalus is thrust into an extraordinary journey, unraveling secrets of evolution and the unseen forces that guide it. But as they explore the depths of this living relic, questions emerge about the creators of these ships, their purpose, and whether they're still watching.
Filled with awe-inspiring discovery, cosmic wonder, and existential questions, "The Seed" is a thought-provoking science fiction novel that explores humanity's place in the grand design of the universe-where every planet may hold the potential for life, and every star hides untold mysteries.