The possible impacts of global climate change on different countries has led to the development and ratification of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) and has a strong bearing on the future sustainable development of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. The preparation of analytical methodologies and tools for carrying out assessments of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change is therefore of prime importance to these countries. Such assessments are needed to both fulfill the reporting requirements of the countries under the FCCC as well as to prepare their own climate change adaptation and mitigation plans. The vulnerability and adaptation assessment guidelines prepared by the U. S. Country Studies Program bring together all the latest knowledge and experience from around the world on both vulnerability analysis as well as adaptation methodologies. It is currently being applied successfully by scientists in over fifty countries from all the regions of the globe. This guidance is being published to share it with the wider scientific community interested in global climate change issues. This guidance document has two primary purposes: - To assist countries in making decisions about the scope and methods for their vulnerability and adaptation assessments, - To provide countries with guidance and step-by-step instructions on each of the basic elements of vulnerability and adaptation assessments.
1 U. S. Country Studies Program. - 1. 1 Technical Assistance. - 2 Overview of the Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment Process. - 2. 1 Elements of Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments. - 2. 2 Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment Process. - 3 Defining the Scope of an Assessment. - 3. 1 Identify Assessment Goals. - 3. 2 Define Sectors to Be Studied. - 3. 3 Select the Study Region. - 3. 4 Select the Time Frame. - 3. 5 Determine Data Needs. - 3. 6 Develop the Context for Assessment. - 3. 7 Develop a Schedule. - 3. 8 References for Section 3. - 4 Defining and Applying Scenarios and Using GCM Data for Vulnerability Assessments. - 4. 1 Time Frame. - 4. 2 Baseline Scenarios. - 4. 3 Climate Change Scenarios. - 4. 4 GCM Model and Observed Climate Data. - 5 Conducting Biophysical Impact and Technical Adaptation Assessments. - 5. 1 Crop Impact and Adaptation Assessments. - 5. 2 Grassland/Livestock Impact and Adaptation Assessments. - 5. 3 Forest Impact and Adaptation Assessments. - 5. 4 Water Resource Impact and Adaptation Assessments. - 5. 5 Coastal Impact and Adaptation Assessment. - 5. 6 Soil Erosion Impact and Adaptation Assessments. - 5. 7 Human Health Vulnerability Assessment. - 5. 8 Fisheries Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment. - 5. 9 Wildlife and Biodiversity Impact and Adaptation Assessment. - 6 Integration of Impact Assessment Results. - 6. 1 Integration Approaches. - 6. 2 Dealing with Uncertainty. - 7 Assessment of Adaptation Policy Options. - 7. 1 Introduction. - 7. 2 Goals of the Adaptation Policy Assessments. - 7. 3 Necessary Elements of Adaptation Policy Assessments. - 7. 4 Primary Approach. - 7. 5 References for Section 7. - 8 Documentation and Presentation of Results. - APPENDICES. - APPENDIX A: Baseline Scenarios. - APPENDIX B: Climate Change Scenarios for Vulnerability Assessments. - APPENDIX C: General Circulation Models and Data. - APPENDIX D: Crop Impacts. - APPENDIX E: Grassland/Livestock Impacts. - APPENDIX F: Forest Impacts. - APPENDIX G: Water Resource Impacts. - APPENDIX H: Coastal Resource Impacts and Methods of Adaptation Assessment. - APPENDIX I: Assessment of Adaptation Options. - APPENDIX J: Description of Assessment Methods for Assessing Impacts on Fisheries.