1.01: Summa (1977) for choir
1.02: Seven Magnificat Antiphons (1988, rev. 1991): O Weisheit
1.03: Seven Magnificat Antiphons (1988, rev. 1991): O Adonai
1.04: Seven Magnificat Antiphons (1988, rev. 1991): O Spross aus Isais Wurzel
1.05: Seven Magnificat Antiphons (1988, rev. 1991): O Schlüssel Davids
1.06: Seven Magnificat Antiphons (1988, rev. 1991): O Morgenstern
1.07: Seven Magnificat Antiphons (1988, rev. 1991): O König aller Völker
1.08: Seven Magnificat Antiphons (1988, rev. 1991): O Immanuel
1.09: Fratres (1980 version) for violin and piano
1.10: Festina lente for string orchestra and harp
1.11: Spiegel im Spiegel for violin and piano
1.12: Magnificat (1989)
1.13: The Beatitudes (1990, rev. 1991)
1.14: Summa for string orchestra
1.15: Fratres for string orchestra and percussion
1.16: Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten for string orchestra and bell
2.01: Tabula rasa for two violins, string orchestra and prepared piano: Ludus (with movement)
2.02: Tabula rasa for two violins, string orchestra and prepared piano: Silentium (without movement)
2.03: Summa
2.04: Fratres
2.05: De profundis (1980), for chorus, organ and percussion
2.06: Cantate Domino
2.07: Beatus Petronius
2.08: Solfeggio
2.09: Missa syllabica: I. Kyrie
2.10: Missa syllabica: II. Gloria
2.11: Missa syllabica: III. Credo
2.12: Missa syllabica: IV. Sanctus
2.13: Missa syllabica: V. Agnus Dei
2.14: Missa syllabica: VI. Ite, missa est