Stories at the speed of life - Patterson rocks...
Content:James Patterson¿s BookShots. Short, fast-paced, high-impact entertainment. ALEX CROSS, I¿m coming for you ¿ even from the grave if I have to. Along Came a Spider killer Gary Soneji has been dead for over ten years. Alex Cross watched him die. But today, Cross saw him gun down his partner. Is Soneji alive? A ghost? Or something even more sinister? Nothing will prepare you for the wicked truth.About the author:James Patterson wurde 1947 in New York geboren. Bevor er Schriftsteller wurde, war er Kreativdirektor einer großen Werbeagentur in den USA. 1976 veröffentlichte er sein erstes Buch, das zunächst kein Verlag herausbringen wollte. In Amerika allein hat er bereits 16 Mio. Bücher verkauft, weltweit sind es 280 Millionen. V. a. die Krimireihen um den Kriminalpsychologen Alex Cross und Detective Lindsay Boxer machen ihn zum Bestsellerautor. Die Times nannte ihn in einem Artikel: 'Der Mann, der nie daneben liegt', dass es schon fast gespenstisch ist, wie jedes Buch von ihm ein Erfolg wird. Heute lebt er mit seinem Sohn und seiner Frau in Palm Beach.Summary:A huge thank you to PenguinRandomHouseUK for the availability to receive & read all those 3 books sent from a well-known American author - what a challenge & nice gesture indeed.Each of them is easy-handable, extremely light, max. 150 pages long/short and doesn't cost the world, even avaiable as ebooksand by audio.They are quite useful for a short time of wonderful suspense, to deep up from the stressful daily-life and really offer wonderful different stories each one separately to read.They preferably contain crime stories & thrillers - the right genre for me - quite easy handable, even readable, with well-known English knowledge, also for take-away while being absent.Here, it's main character is Alex Cross - a true & real man - performing with highspeed and action - I just loved that kind of story-highlight!