This captivating tale by the "royal historian of Oz" recounts the further adventures of a little girl named Trot and Cap'n Bill, an old sailor, after their visit to the Sea Fairies. A remarkable fairyland in sky country, Sky Island turns out to be a place that Trot, Cap'n Bill, and their friend a little boy nicknamed Button-bright were glad to leave after having experienced some unpleasant moments there. Transported by a magical umbrella that whisks the three travelers off to this island in the sky, they meet the six snub-nosed princesses, discover the King's treasure chamber, encounter a blue wolf, meet Tourmaline the poverty Queen and Rosalie the Witch, and eventually make the long journey home. A charming addition to Dover's successful line of Oz books, this volume will delight long-time Oz fans as well as newcomers to L. Frank Baum's realms of fantasy. 86 black-and-white and 12 full-color illustrations.