Stephen N. Joffe, BSc, MB.ChB, MD, FACS, FCS (SA), FRCS (Edinburgh), FRCS (Glasgow), is past Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of LCA-Vision. Nasdaq: (LCAV) in valuation. He was the founder of the Company's corporate predecessor, Laser Centers of America, Inc., and served as its Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. He is presently the Chief Executive Officer of the Joffe Foundation, a non-profit charity and Co-Chairman of Joffe LLC, a healthcare services company and a Board of Trustees member of the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. In addition, Stephen is an Esteemed Quondam Professor of Surgery at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, a position he has held since 1990. He has held faculty appointments at the Universities of London, Glasgow and Cincinnati, and holds fellowships of the American College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Glasgow. He has published 200 articles in peer reviewed and scientific journals and 40 chapters for books, including being author and editor of 9 books on lasers and their application to medicine and surgery and history of medicine.