The book series "Ottomania" researches the cultural transfers between the Ottoman Empire and Europe
This book brings together twenty-one essays by scholars from ten different countries who address the issue of the expansion and presence of the Ottoman Turks in Eastern Europe and the Balkans from the fourteenth to the twentieth century. This phenomenon
is analysed from an interdisciplinary approach and with a view to diachronic research covering three general areas of investigation: institutional history, military history, and cultural history. Particular attention is paid to military strategies and the development of the so-called "art of war" between the Ottoman Empire and Western powers. Emphasis has also been placed on the history of the formation of the "image of the Turk" in artistic, literary, and philosophical terms, and on how this image has changed over the centuries.
Europa cristiana e Impero ottomano
tra tardo Medio Evo ed età contemporanea
Agostino Borromeo
Der Untergang von Byzanz im Spiegel der serbischen Geschichte
Ljubomir Maksimovi
Ottoman Rule in Hungary.
Political, Military, and Demographic Aspects
Géza Dávid Pál Fodor
Sulla frontiera.
La percezione del Turco nella Dalmazia veneta nei secoli XVI XVII
Egidio Ivetic
Il Montenegro e l'Impero ottomano.
Conquista, liberazione ed eredità
Antun Sbutega
I Turchi Ottomani nell'ottica di Lutero
Franco Buzzi
Der albanische Raum zwischen orthodoxer und katholischer Kirche
im Zeitalter der osmanischen Eroberung
Oliver Jens Schmitt
Die Situation der Kirchen während der Türkenherrschaft
im Königreich Ungarn (1526 1686)
Gabriel Adriányi
La Santa Sede, le potenze cattoliche e la minaccia turca
da Pio V a Innocenzo XI (1566 1689)
Agostino Borromeo
I Turchi nelle cronache francescane della provincia Bosnia Argentina
Miroslav Palameta
Das Osmanische Reich in der Sicht des Ökumenischen Patriarchats von Konstantinopel
am Vorabend der Griechischen Revolution
Heinz Ohme
Struktur und Funktion der militärischen Sklaveninstitution
im Osmanischen Reich
Vasiliki Papoulia
"Della maniera di combattere contro turchi."
Vorschläge aus dem 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
für den Kampf gegen die Osmanen
Jan Paul Niederkorn
Raimondo Montecuccoli e la guerra contro i Turchi.
Rif lessioni su strategia e arte militare
Piero del Negro
Italian Documents on the Image of the Turk
Mustafa Soykut
De la personne au masque.
L'instrumentation de l'image du Turc dans l'Italie moderne
Martine Boiteux
L'Islamisation dans les Balkans.
Réf lexion historique et historiographique
à partir du cas Bosno-Herzégovinien
Philippe Gelez
I retaggi ottomani nei Balcani tra islamizzazione e ottomanizzazione
Darko Tanaskovi
Quelques remarques sur l'héritage ottoman aux Balkans
dans les domaines de la mystique musulmane
Alexandre Popovic
Indice dei nomi
Indice dei luoghi
Collana "Ottomania" del Don Juan Archiv Wien
Collana "Atti e Documenti" del Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche