This is a selection of essays written by leading representatives in the fields of action theory and philosophy of mind, philosophy of the social sciences and especially the nature of social action, and of epistemology and philosophy of science. Practical reason, reasons and causes in action theory, intending and trying, and folk-psychological explanation are some of the topics discussed by these leading participants.
1. Realism, Truth, and Explanation. - What Philosophers Should Know about Truth and the Slingshot. - From Erklären-Verstehen to Prediction-Understanding: The Methodological Framework in Economics. - The Archaeological Construction of the Past: Some Realist Moderations. - The Backward Induction Paradox and Epistemic Logic. - 2. Philosophy of Mind and Action Theory. - The Scope of Motivation and the Basis of Practical Reason. - Activity and Passivity. - Reasons and Causes: The Case of Collingwood. - Intending and Trying: Tuomela vs. Bratman at the Video Arcade. - Spinoza on Causal Explanation of Action. - On the Structuralist Constraints in the Explanation Scheme of Folk Psychology. - 3. Intentions, Trust and Social Institutions. - Commitments. - The Components of Rational Trust. - Grounding We-intentions in Individual Social Attitudes. - Social Groups, Collective Intentionality, and Anti-Hegelian Skepticism. - Social Institutions. - Common Belief and Common Knowledge. - Others Will Do It: Social Reality by Opportunists. - Science as Collective Knowledge.