»In sum, what is particularly convincing about the theme of this publication is that it releases the reader from a dichotomous discursive straightjacket. Instead of reproducing the binary discourse of being for or against, respectively in our out of Europe, it opens up alternative spaces and pathways for more creative political practices.«
Antje Scharenberg, http://blogs.lse.ac.uk, 8 (2017)
»The book proves that a shift towards a new way of thinking and doing politics is not only possible, but actually already happening.« https://euroalter.com, 8 /(2017)
O-Ton: »Tausend Europas« - Lukas Stolz im Interview bei engagée.
O-Ton: »Mehr Solidarität, bitte!« - Daphne Büllesbach und Lukas Stolz am 27.7. im Gespräch mit Till Gentzsch auf fluter.de.
»This book is essential reading for anyone not just involved with European affairs, but concerned about the state of the EU and looking for the evidence that change is possible for the better.«
Tony Venables, www.ecit-foundation.eu, 6 (2017)
Besprochen in:
Commons Network Newsletter, 7 (2017)
https://www.uni-wh.de, 31.05.2017