Attract wealth and healing with the guidance of the 12 Archangels
Preface: Living in Abundance with the 12 Archangels
Accepting the Invitation
The Invitation
Receiving the Invitation
Spiritual Laws That Help You
A New Beginning
Raising Your Vibration
Definition of Wealth
The Singing Colors of the Central Sun
Rainbow Embrace
The Purple Door
Stepping through the Purple Door
Restoring in the Energy Fountains
Keeping Watch for the Old Male and the Old Female
Love Alarm
The Healing Gifts of the Divine Inner Child
Receiving Guidance and Healing
Changing the Repetitive Story of Lack
Transforming Subconscious Unworthiness and Guilt
Healing the Wounded Self
Transmuting Lack Beliefs
Releasing Ancestral and Past-Life Trauma
Receiving Your Wealth
What Does Wealth Look Like to You?
Releasing the Expectation of Being Abandoned by Creator
Filling Up with All You Could Ever Want
Freedom Within, Freedom Without
Undiluted Love for You
Doubt Out, Trust In
The Twin Sisters of Intuition and Creativity
Releasing the Negative Parent Voice
Letting Go of the Magic Parent
Your Creativity Garden
Preparation: Clearing Repression of the Feminine
Planting Your Creativity Garden
Germination: Freeing the Repressed Masculine
Playing in the Garden of Your Creative Imagination
Firing Up Your Creativity
Cultivating with Heart Power
Transforming Your Heartache
Activating Heart Power
Harvesting Your Garden
Rescuing the Ego
Creating a New Financial Reality
The Divine Laws and Money
Clearing Financial Trauma and Suffering
Transforming the Fear Held within the Thoughtform of Money
Releasing the Puppet Strings of Attachment to Money
Dissolving Financial Debt with Understanding and Love
Conquering Doubt
Credit and Validation for You
Transforming Family Patterns of Debt
Creativity and Sustainable Flow
Clearing the Pipeline
Receive, Attract, Focus, and Grow!
What Is Still Missing?
The 12 Archangels' Formula to Change Your Reality To Love and Be Loved
Forgiving the Past
The Freedom to Choose
Transforming Fear Caused by Religion and Government
Living the Mission of Your Soul
Entering the Sanctuary of Soul Mental, Emotional, and Physical Health
Healing Session with the Angel Physicians
Graceful Exit from the Dance Floor
Peace and Balance: So Within, So Without
Bringing Peace and Balance to Earth
Moving Schoolroom Earth Out of Suffering
Transforming Poverty
Letting Go of Fear's Old Female Poverty Beliefs
Transforming Poverty from the Inside Out
Transforming Exile and Homelessness
Violet Fire for Releasing the Trauma of Exile
Transforming Neglect and Abuse of Children
Forgiving the Traumas of Childhood
DNA Scrub for Clearing Neglect and Abuse
Transforming Hatred, Violence, and Evil with Undiluted Love
Divine Rescue
Transforming Inequality, Racism, and Discrimination
Transmuting the Judges
Transforming Leadership and the Misuse of Power
Reclaiming Your Highest Vibrational Will
Transforming the Games of Warfare and Military Action
Working with the Young Masculine
Transforming or Eliminating Conflict from the Inside Out
Transforming the Patriarchal Hierarchy
Deep Cleansing for the Old Male and Old Female
Transforming Pollution and the Exploitation of Natural Resources
Rebalancing the Power of the Divine Feminine
Transforming Fear into Love
Healing the Divine Inner Child
Healing Experiences to Support Restful Sleep and Happy Receiving
Goodbye Negativity and Good Night!
Dragon’ s Roost with the Divine Inner Child
Divine Mothers' Palace of Renewal
Surfing with the 12 Archangels
Merlin’ s Cabin and Cocoa
Into the Purple Sea
Emerald and Ruby in a Golden Nest Egg
Mother Earth’ s Haven
Gratitude for You
Emerald Forest
Orchard of Ever-Growing Currency Trees
Golden Pyramid of Initiation with the 12 Archangels
The 12 Archangels' Glossary of Terms