Emmi Rothner und Leo Leike haben sich ineinander verliebt, per email. Aber, sie haben sich nie getroffen. So endete die Geschichte in 'Gut gegen Nordwind'. Ob ihre Geschichte vielleicht doch ein Happy End haben kann, in dieser Fortsetzung wird man es, hoffentlich, erfahren. Wäre doch wirklich zu schade. . .
Have you ever just clicked with someone? - the sequel to the international lbestseller 'Love Virtually'. 'Love Virtually' ends as Leo leaves Austria for America. He and Emmi have still not met, but the intensity of their e-mail correspondence has been threatening Emmi's marriage. Leo returns from Boston and gradually resumes his e-mail contact with Emmi. But he has plans to settle down with Pamela, the woman he met in America. In an attempt to draw a line under their relationship, Emmi and Leo at last agree to meet in person.