Although initially known for her time-travel series, Irina was always intrigued by the foggy, gaslit streets, shadowy hansom cabs, and brutal underworld synonymous with Victorian England. These images are the backdrop to her series of gripping mysteries that feature Lord Jason Redmond and Inspector Daniel Haze, a crime-solving duo as complex as the cases they investigate. Through their eyes, readers experience both the opulence of upper-crust society and the gritty reality of those less fortunate, as Redmond and Haze solve mysteries that delve deep into the historical context of the time.Irina is currently working on a new historical mystery series, the Bell and Tate Mysteries, which will introduce Scotland Yard Inspector Sebastian Bell and nurse Gemma Tate, whose personal histories and unique talents make them the perfect, if at times reluctant, partners as they investigate grisly murders in Victorian London.