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Pride and Prejudice

(500 Bewertungen)15
80 Lesepunkte
7,99 €inkl. Mwst.
Zustellung: Fr, 19.07. - Mi, 24.07.
Versand in 2 Wochen
Human foibles and early nineteenth-century manners are satirized in this romantic tale of English country family life as Elizabeth Bennet and her four sisters are forced to marry well in order to keep the Bennet estate in their family. Reissue.
Jane Austen's witty comedy of manners is one of the most universally loved and admired English novels of all time.

Spirited Elizabeth Bennet is one of a family of five daughters, and with no male heir, the Bennet estate must someday pass to their priggish cousin William Collins. Therefore, the girls must marry well-and thus is launched the story of Elizabeth and the arrogant bachelor Mr. Darcy, in a novel renowned as the epitome of romance and wit. Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen's masterwork, an entertaining portrait of matrimonial rites and rivalries, timeless in its hilarity and its honesty.

With an Introduction by Margaret Drabble
and an Afterword by Eloisa James


02. Januar 2008
Jane Austen
191 g
Größe (L/B/H)
173/109/28 mm


Jane Austen

Jane Austen (1775-1817) was born in Hampshire, England, to George Austen, a rector, and his wife, Cassandra. Like many girls of her day, she was educated at home, where she began her literary career by writing parodies and skits for the amusement of her large family. Although Austen did not marry, she did have several suitors and once accepted a marriage proposal, but only for an evening. Although Austen never lived apart from her family, her work shows a worldly and wise sensibility. Her novels include Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814), Emma (1815), and Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, published together posthumously in 1818.

Margaret Drabble is the highly acclaimed novelist, biographer, and editor of The Oxford Companion to English Literature. Her novels include The Gates of Ivory, The Seven Sisters, and The Red Queen.

New York Times bestselling author Eloisa James s historical Regencies have been published to great acclaim; People magazine raved that romance writing does not get much better than this. Her numerous novels have repeatedly received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly, and regularly appear on the bestseller lists. James is also a professor of English literature at Fordham University.


[Austen] had a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life which is the most wonderful I ever met. Sir Walter Scott


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LovelyBooks-BewertungVon karlla am 29.09.2023
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LovelyBooks-BewertungVon Natiibooks am 10.12.2022
4 ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿EN: This book has been on my SuB for a long time and I finally get around to reading it. In this story, set in the 18th century, we follow young Elizabeth Benett and her sisters as they take the next step and along the way she meets the handsome and cheeky Mr. Darcy. I'm sure I know many because classic through books, advertising and films, I've heard about it myself and therefore knew a lot, but I was surprised by the story. This story has definitely inspired many stories and it was also interesting to see how the two characters go from enemies to lovers and accompany them along the way. I especially liked the scenes of Elizabeth and her family. I liked the bunch they had and the illustrated edition I had made everything livelier. I liked Elizabeth as a character and I also found Mr. Darcy interesting, even if he wasn't there enough, I liked the two of them together. I also liked the supporting characters and I especially liked the sisters. All in all I can only say that I liked it and I liked the setting as well as the drama, lost love and everything that went with it. I will definitely be reading more of Jane Austen's books in the future and look forward to it.DE: Dieses Buch steht schon sehr lange auf meinen SuB und endlich komme ich dazu es zu lesen. In dieser Geschichte spielt es im 18 Jahrhundert wo wir die Junge Elizabeth Benett und ihre Schwestern begleiten wie sie in die nächsten Schritt treten sollen und dabei lernt sie denn gutaussehenden und unverschämten Mr. Darcy kennen. Ich bin mir sicher viele kennen denn Klassik durch Büchern, Werbung und Filmen ich selbst habe bereits davon gehört und wusste daher einiges dennoch war ich überrascht von der Geschichte. Diese Geschichte hat bestimmt viele Geschichten inspiriert und es war auch interessant zu sehen wie die beiden Charakter von Enemies zu Lovers werden und sie dabei zu begleiten. Besonders haben mir die Szenen von Elizabeth und ihre Familie gefallen. Ich mochte denn Bund denn sie hatten und durch die Illustrierte Edition die ich hatte war alles lebendiger. Ich mochte Elizabeth als Charakter und auch Mr. Darcy fand ich Interessant auch wenn er zu wenig da war dennoch mochte ich die beiden zusammen. Auch die Nebencharakter fand ich gut und besonders die Schwestern haben mir es angetan. Im ganzen kann ich nur sagen das es mir gut gefallen hat und ich mochte sowohl das Setting als auch die Dramas, verflossene Liebe und alles was dazu gehörte. Ich werde definit in Zukunft mehr Bücher von Jane Austen lesen und bin gespannt darauf.