Excerpt: ... Ollas, 4. Urceos, 5. Tripodes, 6. Patinas, 7. Vasa testacea, 8. Fidelias, 9. Opercula, 10. &c. ex Argillâ, 3. postea excoquit in Furno, 11. & incrustat Lithargyro. A broken Pot affordeth Pot-sheards, 1 Fracta Olla dat Testas, 12. 88 LXXII. The Parts of a House. Partes Domus. A House is divided into inner Rooms, such as are the Entry, 1. the Stove, 2. the Kitchen, 3. the Buttery, 4. the Dining Room, 5. the Gallery, 6. the Bed Chamber, 7. with a Privy, 8. made by it. Domus distinguitur in Conclavia, ut sunt Atrium, 1. Hypocaustum, 2. Culina, 3. Cella Penuaria, 4. C naculum, 5. Camera, 6. Cubiculum, 7. cum Secessu (Latrina), 8. adstructo. Baskets, 9. are of use for carrying things. and Chests, 10. (which are made fast with a Key, 11.) for keeping them. Corbes, 9. inserviunt rebus transferendis, Arcæ, 10. (quæ Clavâ, 11. recluduntur) adservandis illis. Under the Roof, is the Floor, 12. Sub Tecto, est Solum (Pavimentum), 12. In the Yard, 13. is a Well, 14. a Stable, 15. 89 and a Bath, 16. In Area, 13. Puteus, 14. Stabulum, 15. cum Balneo, 16. Under the House is the Cellar, 17. Sub Domo est Cella, 17. LXXIII. The Stove with the Bed-room. Hypocaustum cum Dormitorio. The Stove, 1. is beautified with an Arched Roof, 2. and wainscoted Walls, 3. Hypocaustum, 1. ornatur Laqueari, 2. & tabulatis Parietibus, 3. It is enlightened with Windows, 4. Illuminatur Fenestris, 4. It is heated with an Oven, 5. Calefit Fornace, 5. Its Utensils are Benches, 6. Stools, 7. Tables, 8. with Tressels, 9. Footstools, 10. and Cushions, 11. Ejus Utensilia sunt Scamna, 6. Sellæ, 7. Mensæ, 8. cum Fulcris, 9. ac Scabellis, 10. & Culcitris, 11. 90 There are also Tapestries hanged, 12. Appenduntur etiam Tapetes, 12. For soft lodging in a Sleeping-room, 13. there is a Bed, 14. spread on a Bed-sted, 15. upon a Straw-pad, 16. with Sheets, 17. and Cover-lids, 18. Pro levi cubatu, in Dormitorio, 13. est Lectus, (Cubile) 14. stratus in Sponda, 15. super Stramentum, 16....