"The sequel to "Old Man's War" combines taut military action with keen insights into the moral issues revolving around developing technologies. Scalzi has a finely tuned sense of balance between personal drama and the 'big picture' ... Highly recommended." --"Library Journal" (starred review) on "The Ghost Brigades"" ""A mix of "Starship Troopers" and "Universal Soldier," "Ghost" evokes awakening, betrayal, and combat in the best military sci-fi tradition." --"Entertainment Weekly" on "The Ghost Brigades"" ""An impressive piece of work." -- "Philadelphia"" Inquirer" on "The Ghost Brigades"" ""Fast and deep I like the galaxy this author's playing in, the characters he limns, the situations he's playing with, and I'm glad there's at least one more volume on the way."-- "San Diego""""Union""-Tribune" on "The Ghost Brigades"" ""In Heinleinesque fashion, the book is loaded with scenes of comradeship, isolation, ruthlessness and the protocols, which govern the lives of active-duty soldiers. But this is where Scalzi, famous for his blog 'The Whatever, ' surpasses Heinlein. Scalzi weaves in subtle discussions of humanity's growing fear of aging and our simultaneous attraction and repulsion to the Frankensteinlike creatures we are able to create." -- "San Antonio Express-News" on "The Ghost Brigades" "Scalzi is a natural heir to Heinlein, and his second book in this series is a good old-fashioned space opera, which takes time to question the nature of free will." -- "St. Louis"" Press-Dispatch" on "The Ghost Brigades"" ""Astonishingly proficient." --"Publishers Weekly" (starred review) on "Old Man's War"" ""Top-notch. His combat scenes are blood-roiling. His dialogue is suitably snappy and profane. And the moral and philosophical issues he raises... insert useful ethical burrs under the military saddle of the story." --"The ""Washington"" Post" on "Old Man's War"" ""Smartly conceived and>