Set in the turbulent aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, The Wreckage pits Vincent Ruiz against powerful agents who will stop at nothing to bury secrets. . .
Journalist Luca Terracini is living outside the wire and investigating a series of deadly million-dollar bank robberies. But he's about to make some powerful enemies who seek to bury secrets and manipulate the truth, regardless of the cost.
A thousand miles away, ex-cop Vincent Ruiz rescues a young woman, Holly Knight, from a violent boyfriend - but wakes next morning to find that she's robbed him. It was an elaborate scam. Furious at himself, and at her, he sets off to find Holly.
Two seemingly unrelated stories collide in unexpected ways in this ambitious, compelling thriller that demonstrates why Linwood Barclay says 'Michael Robotham doesn't just make me scared for his characters...he makes my heart ache for them'.
'A writer of the highest class who can create terror from the commonplace and crush the breath out of you' Daily Mail