"The first installment of The Mafia Academy Series--a dark romance set at a boarding school for the sons and daughters of the most powerful mafia lords. . . now with bonus content exclusive to the print edition! Mirabella La Rosa: When my father arranged for me to marry the heir to the Costa crime family, I swore I'd do anything to escape that fate. I have more to offer than being some man's arm candy and producing heirs. Marcelo Costa might be my fianc? , but he'll never be my husband. So when he and his father are killed in a car bombing, I consider myself lucky. No longer will I have to go from being a mafia princess to becoming a mafia wife, I can now attend the Sicuro Academy--a private college created for mafia children like me. But all my plans come to a screeching halt when Marcelo shows up on campus alive and well, seeking revenge on those that crossed him. Marcelo Costa: The look of shock on my fiancâ e's face when I walked into the classroom pleases me more than it should lla made it clear she didn't want to marry me, but at the moment I have a bigger issue on my hands--revenge on whoever killed my father. Once I mete out my own particular brand of justice, I'll remove Mirabella from campus and make her my wife. And no amount of pleading on her part will change my mind"--