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Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XIX

1070 Lesepunkte
Buch (gebunden)
106,99 €inkl. Mwst.
Zustellung: Fr, 20.09. - Di, 24.09.
Versand in 1-2 Wochen
In 1969, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established the C- mittee on Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS). The subject of air pollution was from the start one of the priority problems under study within the framework of various pilot studies undertaken by this committee. The organization of a periodic conference dealing with air pollution modelling and its application has become one of the main activities within the pilot study relating to air pollution. The first five international conferences were organized by the United States as the pilot country, the second five by the Federal Republic of Germany, the third five by Belgium, the fourth four by The Netherlands, the next five by Denmark and the last five by Portugal. This volume contains the abstracts of papers and posters presented at the 29th NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application, held in Aveiro, Portugal, during September 24-28, 2007. This ITM was organized by the University of Aveiro, Portugal (Pilot Country and Host Organization). The key topics distinguished at this ITM included: Local and urban scale modelling; Regional and intercontinental modelling; Data assimilation and air quality forecasting; Model assessment and verification; Aerosols in the atmosphere; Interactions between climate change and air quality; Air quality and human health.


Chapter 1. Local and Urban Scale Modeling.- 1.1. On-line Integrated Meteorological and Chemical Transport Modelling: Advantages and Prospectives.- 1.2 Modelling of the Urban Wind Profile.- 1.3 Development of a Lagrangian Particle Model for Dense Gas Dispersion in Urban Environment.- 1.4 CFD and Mesoscale Air Quality Modelling Integration; Web Application for Las Palmas.- 1.5 On the Suppression of the Urban Heat Island over Mountainous Terrain in Winter.- 1.6 Air Quality Management Strategies in Large Cities: Effects of Changing the Vehicle Fleet Composition in Barcelona and Madrid Greater Areas (Spain) by Introducing Natural Gas Vehicles.- 1.7 Evaluation of the Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability (HPAC) Model with the Oklahoma City Joint Urban 2003 (JU2003) Tracer Observations.- 1.8 Origin and Influence of PM
Concentrations in Urban and in Rural Environments.- 1.9 Development and Application of MicroRMS Modelling System to Stimulate the Flow, Turbulence and Dispersion in the Presence of Buildings.- 1.10 Numerical Treatment of Urban and Regional Scale Interactions in Chemistry-Transport Modelling.- Chapter 2 Regional and Intercontinental Modeling.- 2.1. Contribution of Biogenic Emissions to Carbonaceous Aerosols in Summer and Winter in Switzerland: a Modelling Study.- 2.2 A Regional Air Quality Model over the Kanto Region of Japan: The Effect of the Physics Parameterization on the Meteorological and Chemical Fields.- 2.3 Regional Aerosol Optical Thickness Distribution Derived by CMAQ Model in the Siberian Forest Fire Emission Episode of May 2003.- 2.4 Modelling of the Deposition of Reduced Nitrogen at Different Scales in the United Kingdom.- 2.5 Long-Term Simulations of Surface Ozone in East Asia during 1980-2020 with CMAQ and REAS Inventory.- 2.6 The Use of Meso-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Types as a Strategy for Modelling Long-Term Trends in Air Pollution.- 2.7 Development and Applications of Biogenic Emission Term as a Basis of Long-RangeTransport of Allergenic Pollen Aerosol.- 2.8 High Resolution Nested Runs of the AURAMS Model with Comparisons to PrAIRie2005 Field Study Data.- 2.9 The Effect of Lateral Boundary Values on Atmospheric Mercury Simulations with the CMAQ Model.- 2.10 Air Pollution Modelling with Perturbational Downscaling.- 2.11 Forest Fires Impact on Air Quality over Portugal.- 2.12 The VetMet Veterinary Decision Support System for Airborne Animal Diseases.- 2.13 Development and Verification of TAPM.- 2.14 Development of Fire Emissions Inventory Using Satellite Data.- 2.15 Toward a US National Air Quality Forecast Capability: Current and Planned Capabilities.- 2.16 2-Way Coupled Meteorology and Air Quality Modeling.- 2.17 Numerical Simulation of Air Pollution Transport under Sea/Land Breeze Situation in Jakarta, Indonesia in Dry Season.- 2.18 Synergetic or Non-Linear Effects in PM
and PM
Scenario Calculations for 2015 in Belgium.- Chapter 3 Data Assimilation and Air Quality Forecasting.- 3.1 Rapid Data Assimilation in the Indoor Environment: Theory and Examples from Real-Time Interpretation of Indoor Plumes or Airborne Chemical.- 3.2 Comparison of Data Assimilation Methods for Assessing PM
Exceedances on the European Scale.- 3.3 An Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) for Aerosols.- 3.4 Modelling of Benzo(a)pyrene Depositions over North Sea Coastal Areas: Impact of Emissions from Local and Remote Areas.- 3.5 Air Quality Forecasting During Summer 2006: Forest Fires as One of Major Pollution Sources in Europe.- 3.6 Comparison of Methods to Generate Meteorological Inputs for Modeling Dispersion in Coastal Urban Areas.- 3.7 Developing a Method for Resolving NO
Emission Inventory Biases Using Discrete Kalman Filter Inversion, Direct Sensitivities, and Satellite-Based NO
Columns.- 3.8 A Suggested Correction to the EMEP Database Regarding the Location of a Major Industrial Air Pollution Source in Kola Peninsula.- 3.9 Fusing Observations and Model Results for Creation of Enhanced Ozone Spatial Fields: Comparison of Three Techniques.- Chapter 4 Model Assessment and Verification.- 4.1 The Effect of Heterogeneous Reactions on Model Performance for Nitrous Acid.- 4.2 Saharan Dust over the Eastern Mediterranean: Model Sensitivity.- 4.3 Air Quality Ensemble Forecast Coupling ARPEGE and CHIMERE over Western Europe.- 4.4 Uncertainty in Air Quality Decision Making.- 4.5 Application of Advanced Particulate Matter Source Apportionment Techniques in the Northern Italy Basin.- 4.6 Has the Performance of Regional-Scale Photochemical Modelling Systems Changed over the Past Decade?.- 4.7 Application of a Regional Atmospheric Emission Inventory to Ozone and PM Modelling over the French North Region: The Summer 2006 Heat Wave Case Study.- 4.8 Evaluating Regional-Scale Air Quality Models.- 4.9 Ozone Modeling over Italy: A Sensitivity Analysis to Precursors Using BOLCHEM Air Quality Model.- 4.10 Modelling Evaluation of PM
Exposure in Northern Italy in the Framework of CityDeltaIII Project.- 4.11 Comprehensive Surface-Based Performance Evaluation of a Size- and Composition-Resolved Regional Particulate-Matter Model for a One-Year Simulation.- 4.12 Comparison of Six Widely-Used Dense Gas Dispersion Models for Three Actual Railcar Accidents.- 4.13 A Statistical Approach for the Spatial Representativeness of Air Quality Monitoring Stations and the Relevance for Model Validation.- 4.14 Estimation of the Modelling Uncertainty Related with Stochastic Processes.- 4.15 Development of a New Canadian Operational Air Quality Forecast Model.- Chapter 5 Aerosols in the Atmosphere 5.1 Predicting Air Quality: Current Statuss and Future Directions.- 5.2 Diagnostic Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Sulfur Distributions over the Eastern United States Using the CMAQ Model and Measurements from the ICARTT Field Experiment.- 5.3 Heterogeneous Chemical Processes and their Role on Particulate Matter Formation in the Mediterranean Region - 5.4 Regional Coverage Modelling of Marine Aerosols Concentration in French Mediterranean Coastal Area.- 5.5 Formation of Secondary Inorganic Aerosols by High Ammonia Emissions Simulated by LM/MUSCAT.- 5.6 The Origins and Formation Mechanisms of Aerosol during a Measurement Campaign in Finnish Lapland, Evaluated Using the Regional Dispersion Model SILAM.- 5.7 Modelling Regional Aerosols: Impact of Cloud Processing on Gases and Particles over Eastern North America and in its Outflow during ICARTT 2004.- 5.8 On the Role of Ammonia in the Formation of PM
.- Chapter 6 Interactions between Air Quality and Climate Change.- 6.1 Linking Global and Regional Models to Simulate U.S. Air Quality in the Year 2050.- 6.2 Impacts of Climate Change on Air Pollution Levels in the Northern Hemisphere with Special Focus on Europe and the Arctic.- 6.3 Regional Climate Change Impacts on Air Quality in CECILIA EC 6FP Project.- Chapter 7 Air Quality and Human Health.- 7.1 Models of Exposure for Use in Epidemiological Studies of Air Pollution Health Impacts.- 7.2 Long-Term Regional Air Quality Modelling in Support of Health Impact Analyses.- 7.3 A Modeling Methodology to Support Evaluation of Public Health Impacts on Air Pollution Reduction Programs.- 7.4 Evaluating the Effects of Emission Reductions on Multiple Pollutants Simultaneously.- 7.5 Modelling of the Exposure of Urban Populations to , and Applications in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in 2002 and 2025.- 7.6 The Importance of Exposure in Addressing Current and Emerging Air Quality Issues.- Poster Sessions.- Author Index.- Subject Index.-


09. Juli 2008
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security
Herausgegeben von
Carlos Borrego, Ana Isabel Miranda
XLIII, 737 p.
1326 g
Größe (L/B/H)
241/160/48 mm
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