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Guerreros de la Tormenta (IX)

290 Lesepunkte
Buch (gebunden)
Buch (gebunden)
28,99 €inkl. Mwst.
Zustellung: Sa, 12.10. - Do, 17.10.
Versand in 3 Wochen
Eduardo y su hermana Eteflelda, hijos del rey Alfredo, dirigen ahora los destinos de Wessex, Mercia y Anglia Oriental. A su alrededor, los hombres del norte, siempre inquietos, siguen deseando las riquezas que contienen las tierras e iglesias inglesas, y ya preparan nuevas incursiones. Uhtred de Bebbamburg, el mejor de los guerreros de todos los reinos, mantiene controlados a sus enemigos desde la fuertemente fortificada ciudad de Chester, pero la situación parece que se complica por momentos. Los hombres del norte, aliados ahora con los irlandeses, dirigidos por el feroz guerrero Ragnall Ivarson, se están reuniendo en Northumbria, y su fuerza podría resultar aplastante. Si bien la amenaza crece día a día, Eduardo y Eteflelda se mantienen reacios a salir de la seguridad de sus fortalezas. Y, pese a que la propia hija de Uhtred está casada con el hermano de Ivarson, realmente se puede confiar en ellos? En una lucha entre la familia y la lealtad, entre la ambición personal y el compromiso político, no existe un camino fácil. Pero, si hay alguna salida, un hombre recto con el coraje suficiente puede ser capaz de encontrarla. Así es Uhtred, y éste puede ser su momento... <p/>Eduardo and his sister Eteflelda, children of King Alfred, now direct the destinies of Wessex, Mercia and East Anglia. Around him, the men of the north continue to desire the riches contained in the English lands and churches, and are already preparing new raids. Uhtred of Bebbamburg, the best warrior of all kingdoms, keeps his enemies in check from the heavily fortified city of Chester, but the situation seems to get complicated. The Northmen, now allied with the Irish, led by the fierce warrior Ragnall Ivarson, are gathering in Northumbria, and their strength could prove overwhelming. Although the threat grows by the day, Eduardo and Eteflelda remain reluctant to leave the safety of their strongholds. In a struggle between family and loyalty, personal ambition and political commitment, there is no easy path. But, if there is a way out, a righteous man of sufficient courage may be able to find it. This is Uhtred, and this may be his moment. <p/>


01. Februar 2017
Sajones, vikingos y normandos
Bernard Cornwell
Gregorio Cantera


Bernard Cornwell

Bernard Cornwell was a British writer and he currently resides in the United States. His series dedicated to Richard Sharpe, which Edhasa has been publishing in Spain, has made him one of the most widely read and successful writers in the genre of the historical adventure novel, a condition that he highlighted with the trilogy formed by King's Archers, The Battle of the Grail, and The Siege of Calais or the tetralogy about Starbuck, set in the American Civil War, of which the first installments have been Rebelde and Copperhead.


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