In a future where humanity has mastered the ability to manipulate quantum entanglement, a team of researchers discovers a way to send messages back in time through quantum echoes. However, when they attempt to change the past for the better, they unknowingly set off a chain of events that threatens to unravel the fabric of space-time itself.
As the team races to fix their mistake before it's too late, they must confront the consequences of their actions and grapple with the ethical dilemmas of altering the past. Meanwhile, a mysterious organization with their own agenda begins to take notice of the team's activities and will stop at nothing to obtain the technology for their own purposes.
With mind-bending twists and turns, "Quantum Echoes" explores the limits of human knowledge and the dangers of playing with time itself. Will the team be able to set things right, or will their actions unleash an irreversible catastrophe on the universe?
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