The ESL Safety Book is a fifty unit reproducible reading and discussion text. The articles in The ESL Safety Book are short and written at a beginner level. The articles are complemented by a variety of exercises, with attention paid to the different skills areas. Topics include: Smoke Alarms, Avoiding Victimization, First Aid Kits, Swimming Pool Safety, Automobile Passenger Safety, Dealing with the Police: Heimlich Maneuver, Playground Safety, and School Bus Safety and more!
1;Table of Contents;6 2;INTRODUCTION;7 3;Insect Bites;10 4;Personal Information;12 5;A.I.D.S./H.I.V.;14 6;Asthma And Children;16 7;Drinking Water Safety;18 8;Bicycles;20 9;Choking;22 10;911;24 11;Earthquakes;26 12;Electrical Fires;28 13;Smoke Alarms;30 14;First Aid Kits;32 15;Fainting And Fever;34 16;Car Passenger Safety;36 17;Fun In The Sun;38 18;Communicable Diseases;40 19;Halloween Safety;42 20;Christmastime Safety;46 21;Drug And Vitamin Labels;48 22;Myths About Seat Belts;50 23;Safety For Disabled People;52 24;Playgrounds;54 25;School Safety;56 26;Protecting Your Ears;58 27;Animal Bites;60 28;Protecting Your Eyes;62 29;Fire Exits;64 30;Poisoning;66 31;Pedestrian Safety;68 32;Stress;70 33;Visiting A Doctor;72 34;The ABCs Of Fire Extinguishers;74 35;Drowning Prevention;76 36;Tornadoes;78 37;Automobile Maintenance;80 38;The Fight Against Cancer;82 39;Dealing With The Police;84 40;The Heimlich Maneuver;86 41;Product Labels And Expiration Dates;88 42;The Internet;90 43;Boating Safety;92 44;Tips For Babysitters;94 45;Immunizations;96 46;The School Bus;98 47;Swimming Pool Safety;100 48;Frostbite;102 49;Emergency Evacuation Procedures;104 50;Work Safety Organizations;106 51;Air Travel Safety;108 52;Answer Key;110