...a thoughtful, compelling, and insightful analysis...Peckinpah's films are reappraised in Peckinpah's Women in order to better understand the multitude of conflicting factors that affected one man's silver screen stories and how he told them. Especially recommended reading for those with a strong interest in the history and future of western film studies in general, and the cinematic work of Sam Peckinpah in particular, Peckinpah's Women is a scholarly, critical book, and a welcome addition to personal, professional, and academic Film Studies reference collections. Midwest Book Review Groundbreaking...illuminating...Mesce reignites and broadens the debate over gender in the films of the era's most celebrated director of Westerns. Western American Literature Mesce's book offers more than its title promises, on several accounts...Mesce provides an excellent biographical sketch that makes no bones about Peckinpah's failings as a person and at the same time praises the aesthetic value of some of his films...A valuable introduction to Peckinpah and the controversy that surrounds his work, the book includes excellent scholarly apparatus and is recommended for all collections. CHOICE