This impressive volume of essays that includes contributions from Hubert Dreyfus, Mike Wheeler and Shaun Gallagher reflects an emerging trend in cognitive science, and explores this new approach to cognitive science informed by Heidegger's thoughts on human existence.
Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Series Editors' Preface What is Heideggerian Cognitive Science?; J.Kiverstein Why Heideggerian AI Failed and How Fixing it Would Require Making it More Heideggerian; H.L.Dreyfus Context-Switching and Responsiveness to Real Relevance; E.Reitveld There Can be No Cognitive Science of Dasein; M.Ratcliffe Heidegger and Cognitive Science Aporetic Reflections; A.Rehberg Naturalizing Dasein and Other (Alleged) Heresies; M.Wheeler Heidegger and Social Cognition; S.Gallagher & R.Seté Jacobson Joint Attention and Expressivity: A Heideggerian Guide to the Limits of Empirical Investigation; M.L.Talero Equipment and Existential Spatiality; Heidegger, Cognitive Science and the Prosthetic Subject; Preester Heidegger, Space, and World; J.Malpas Temporality and the Casual Approach to Human Activity; T.Schatzki Index