Theology and the DC Universe contains fifteen scholarly explorations of the role of theology and religion in DC's comics, films, and television shows.
Introduction - Gabriel Mckee and Roshan Abraham
1. A Plenitude of Creators: Cosmogony in the DC and Christian Canons - Christopher Heard
2. By(e) Rao! Personification or Deception - David A. Skelton
3. Reimagining Gnostic Theo-Mythology through Grant Morrison's JLA: Rock of Ages - Matthew J. Dillon
4. Superman v. The Powers: What Walter Wink's Nonviolent Theology Reveals About the Man of Steel's "No-Killing" Rule - Andrew Kuzma
5. Providentialism and Political Religion: Zack Snyder's Man of Steel - John C. McDowell
6. Wonder Woman and the Labors of Hercules - Janelle Peters
7. Dr. Fate and Meher Baba: The Aesthetics of a Comic Book Cosmology - James Newell
8. The Queer Theology of the Doom Patrol - Michael Barnes Norton and Jana McAuliffe
9. The St. Francis of the DC Universe: How Animal Man Makes the Case for Pluralism in Animal Ethics - Andrew Kuzma
10. The Gospel According to Robin Hood and the Rebirth of Green Arrow - Danielle Terceiro
11. In the Land of No Return: Nergal and Mesopotamian Religion in DC's Hellblazer - Gina Konstantopoulos
12. Lost Souls and Old Sons: Augustinian Theodicy and the Path to Redemption in NBC's Constantine - Darian J. Shump
13. God Will be All in All: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Darkseid as Omega Point in Final Crisis - Matthew Brake
14. Utopia, Rebellion, and the Kingdom of Heaven in the Legion of Super-Heroes - Gabriel Mckee
15. War and Hope: Apocalyptic Theology in Kingdom Come - Gregory Stevenson