Animated Parables delves into the unexpected nature of short international animated films to teach, directly and indirectly, about vice and virtue. Terry Lindvall connects cartoons from a global community of animators to explore their role in displaying the seven deadly sins.
Introduction: A Brief Pedagogy of Parables
Part I: Aesthetic Roots
Chapter One: Parables and Fables
Chapter Two: Emergence of the Visual Parable
Part II: Dead Branches
Chapter Three: Sin, Judgment, and Blindness
Chapter Four: Pride (Superbia of the Peacock)
Chapter Five: Envy (Invidia or the Wolf)
Chapter Six: Wrath (Ira or the Lion)
Chapter Seven: Sloth (Acedia or the Ass)
Chapter Eight: Avarice (Avaricia or the Camel)
Chapter Nine: Gluttony (Gula or the Swine)
Chapter Ten: Lust (Luxuria or the Goat)
Part III: Spiritual Fruit
Chapter Eleven: Virtues and Redemption