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310 Lesepunkte
Buch (kartoniert)
Buch (kartoniert)
30,99 €inkl. Mwst.
Zustellung: Fr, 21.03. - Di, 25.03.
Versand in 6 Tagen
Sanditon (1817) an unfinished novel by Jane AustenSynopsis : A gentleman and a lady travelling from Tunbridge towards that part of the Sussex coast which lies between Hastings and Eastbourne, being induced by business to quit the high road and attempt a very rough lane, were overturned in toiling up its long ascent, half rock, half sand. The accident happened just beyond the only gentleman's house near the lane-a house which their driver, on being first required to take that direction, had conceived to be necessarily their object and had with most unwilling looks been constrained to pass by. He had grumbled and shaken his shoulders and pitied and cut his horses so sharply that he might have been open to the suspicion of overturning them on purpose (especially as the carriage was not his master's own) if the road had not indisputably become worse than before, as soon as the premises of the said house were left behind-expressing with a most portentous countenance that, beyond it, no wheels but cart wheels could safely proceed. The severity of the fall was broken by their slow pace and the narrowness of the lane and the gentleman having scrambled out and helped out his companion, they neither of them at first felt more than shaken and bruised.Sanditon (1817) is an unfinished novel by the English writer Jane Austen. In January 1817, Austen began work on a new novel she called The Brothers, later titled Sanditon, and completed eleven chapters before stopping work in mid-March 1817, probably because of her illness.JANE AUSTEN WORKS ALSO INCLUDES : NOVELSSENSE AND SENSIBILITY (1811)PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (1813)MANSFIELD PARK (1814)EMMA (1815)NORTHANGER ABBEY (1818, POSTHUMOUS)PERSUASION (1818, POSTHUMOUS)LADY SUSAN (1871, POSTHUMOUS)UNFINISHED FICTIONTHE WATSONS (1804)SANDITON (1817)OTHER WORKSSIR CHARLES GRANDISON (ADAPTED PLAY) (1793, 1800)PLAN OF A NOVEL (1815)POEMS (1796-1817)PRAYERS (1796-1817)LETTERS (1796-1817)JUVENILIA - VOLUME THE FIRST (1787-1793)[Q]FREDERIC & ELFRIDAJACK & ALICEEDGAR & EMMAHENRY AND ELIZATHE ADVENTURES OF MR. HARLEYSIR WILLIAM MOUNTAGUEMEMOIRS OF MR. CLIFFORDTHE BEAUTIFULL CASSANDRAAMELIA WEBSTERTHE VISITTHE MYSTERYTHE THREE SISTERSA BEAUTIFUL DESCRIPTIONTHE GENEROUS CURATEODE TO PITYJUVENILIA - VOLUME THE SECOND (1787-1793)LOVE AND FREINDSHIPLESLEY CASTLETHE HISTORY OF ENGLANDA COLLECTION OF LETTERSTHE FEMALE PHILOSOPHERTHE FIRST ACT OF A COMEDYA LETTER FROM A YOUNG LADYA TOUR THROUGH WALESA TALEJUVENILIA


19. März 2022
Jane Austen
79 g
Größe (L/B/H)
210/148/3 mm


Jane Austen

Jane Austen (1775-1817) byla anglická spisovatelka zná má svý m b itký m vtipem, pronikavý m pohledem na lidskou povahu a nad asový m zobrazení m lá sky, spole nosti a t í dy. Napsala š est velký ch romá n , v etn Rozumu a citu, Emmy a Pý chy a p edsudku, které tená e uchvacují již ví ce než dv století . Její dí la jsou proslulá bystrý mi post ehy o spole enský ch strukturá ch své doby a slož itý mi ž enský mi hrdinkami. Austen romá ny pat í stá le k nejoblí ben jš í m a nej ten jš í m v anglické m jazyce.


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