"Topsy-Turvy" is a novel written by the famous French author Jules Verne. It was originally published in 1889 under the title "Sans dessus dessous" in French, and it's sometimes translated as "The Purchase of the North Pole" in English.
The story revolves around the madcap efforts of a group of American millionaires to buy the Arctic region, including the North Pole, from the impoverished nation of France. They plan to achieve this through a financial scheme that involves digging a tunnel from the United States to the Arctic and thereby draining the entire Arctic Ocean, which would then make the polar region the property of the United States.
As with many of Verne's works, "Topsy-Turvy" combines elements of adventure, satire, and science fiction. It explores themes of American industrialization, capitalism, and the consequences of reckless ambition. The novel also contains humorous elements as it pokes fun at the audacious and absurd plan.
Overall, "Topsy-Turvy" is a satirical and imaginative work by Jules Verne that reflects some of the social and economic concerns of his time while providing readers with an entertaining adventure.