"Jane Austen's Families" focuses on family dynamics in Jane Austen's six novels, especially on interaction between parents and children. It examines with particular care the relations of fathers and daughters.
Acknowledgements; References and Abbreviations; General Introduction; PART I: FAMILY DYNAMICS: Introduction; Chapter One: The Functions of the Dysfunctional Family: "Northanger Abbey," "Sense and Sensibility," "Pride and Prejudice"; Chapter Two: Spoilt Children: "Pride and Prejudice," "Mansfield Park" and "Emma"; Chapter Three: "Usefulness and Exertion": Mothers and Sisters in "Sense and Sensibility," "Mansfield Park," "Emma" and "Persuasion"; PART II: FATHERS AND DAUGHTERS: Introduction; Chapter Four: Money, Morals and "Mansfield Park"; Chapter Five: Speech and Silence in "Emma"; Chapter Six: Dandies and Beauties: The Issue of Good Looks in "Persuasion"; Conclusion: "Creative Attention"; Notes; Select Bibliography; Index