This book will be useful to college teachers who currently teach courses with a diversity-focused content, or who plan to incorporate diversity content within an existing course.
Foreword--Michelle Howard-Vital; PART I. FOUNDATIONS. Diversity Initiatives, Institutional Change and Curricular Reform in Higher Education--Devorah A. Lieberman; The Power of Narratives in the Process of Teaching and Learning Diversity--Brenda Jarmon, Deborah Brunson, Linda L. Lampl, with Deborah Cardamone, Mary Cole, Sherick A. Hughes, Martin Jarmond, Audrey Mathews, James McFarland, and Daniel R. Vicker, Jr.; PART II. TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. Lessons Taught/Lessons Learned. Biological Diversity--Muriel Lederman, with Jill Sible, dayna e. wilhelm, and Laurie Spotswood; Curriculum and Race--Earl Sheridan, with Frances Boyes, Tracie Davis, and James Fogleman; Literature, Self-discovery and Identity. Cultural Difference and its Impact on Black Students' Language Engagement--Patricia Brown-McDonald, with Aquilla Copeland and Michael Gramenz; The Social Construction of Diversity Learning. Reflections from a "Haole"--Scott W. Campbell, with Patricia Fonyad, Zac Gersh, Yoke-Wee Loh, and Malia J. Smith; Intercultural Competence. From the Classroom to the "Real World"; and Back Again--Randy K. Dillon, with Mindy Shelton, Christopher Dixon, Kurtis Lane, and Marlo Hamilton; Narrative Analysis of a Strengths-based Approach to Preparing Students for Graduate and Post-Graduate Education--Karen Bullock, with Crystal Smith, Jessica Hernandez, Dalkis Muir, and Aaron Scott Taylor; Bridging the Gap Between Diversity and Social Justice. Personal and Pedagogical Insights from Courses on the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Crime--Billy R. Close, with Isabelle Delatour, Albert Kopak, Natasha Norton, and Sarah Williams; Dialogue, Reflection, and Critical Analysis. Self/Other Crossing Ideological Borders--Leila E. Villaverde, with Tanya O. Brown, Kazuko Matsuda, Adrienne Sansom, and Warren Scheideman; Teaching About Diversity in Sex Education--Steve Chandler, with Justin Williams, Kevin Coleman, Jeanette Woldman, and Lance Raynor; Letter from the Editors. Moving Toward Best Practices in Teaching Diversity; PART III. RESOURCES (An annotated bibliography of sources related to diversity education and diversity pedagogy).