Another charming tale in The Little Red Train series which will appeal to all little boys and girls obsessed with engines, trains and things that go - now with book and CD!

When Duffy the driver is told to keep on going until the lights change, that's exactly what he does - so he doesn't even notice that he's driven Little Red Train right under the channel to France! This is a gloriously detailed book that will be a joy to return to again and again. Ben Blathwayt's bright, busy picture books, full of intricate detail have proved a big hit with children through his highly successful 'Little Red Train' books. With a minimal text and big, busy pages his books have enormous appeal for young children.
The Little Red Train: Green Light
12,49 €
Benedict Blathwayt lives in Somerset. He has written and illustrated fifteen titles for Random House, of which the Little Red Train series and Dinosaur Chase have become extremely popular. His wife is also an artist and he has two grown-up sons.
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