This book is about Angela Merkel, the former long-time chancellor of Germany. It is entitled "Angela Merkel - The Truth" to differentiate it from Merkel's own autobiography entitled "Freedom" which she released only recently. Her masterpiece is 700 pages long and it has been published in more than 30 languages and after several reviews it seems the content says nothing about her 16 years in office. In fact, most people don't realise she was one of the most disastrous leaders Germany has ever had. In order too keep the record straight, I decided to write this book so anyone who might think Merkel was one of the most outstanding politicians of our lifetime, gets the chance to hear the real story. I live in Germany and have three children and six grandchildren here and I am horrified the Germany Merkel has left them with. I guarantee you are going to hear in the near future how many problems Germany is now facing and all of them have been caused by the poor management skills of Angela Merkel.