"Adventure novel" - a work of Russian poetess, writer Nadezhda Teffi (real name Nadezhda Alexandrovna Lokhvitskaya, for her husband Buchinskaya, 1872-1952). The main heroine of the novel Maroussia Dudkin, trying to start a new life far from her homeland, takes herself a new name - Natasha. The girl's sincere love for Gaston, who turns out to be an alfonso and criminal Georges Bubelik, leads the heroine to sufferings, disappointments and death. Popularity and popularity of Nadezhda Teffi was brought, first of all, by humorous and satirical stories that were placed in collections "Humorous stories", "And so it became", "Carousel", "Smoke without fire", "Inanimate beast", "Town", "Witch ". Her pen also includes a number of poems, translations, the novel "Adventure Novel", memoir prose about Z. Gippius, A. Kollontai, A. Kerensky, G. Rasputin, A. Averchenko and other contemporaries of the writer. In her works, Nadezhda Teffi tried to create portraits of people of different types of character, level of education and estates. The main thing for Teffi is to emphasize the individuality of each person. The reader simply feels the author's sympathy for his characters, his love for people.