In the second book of the "Courage" trilogy, the reader again meets the heroes of the novel "The Renegade". The Severyan family of Pridesnya Korop lives its measured, settled life, but one day fate turns this calm flow into the course of turbulent events that will forever and beyond recognition change the lives of hundreds of ordinary people of the Severyan tribe. Before their eyes, the clash of two princes takes place: one seeks to acquire the status taken from him, the other defends his possessions. Reid found the strength to refuse one of his encroachments on the will of the community, but gratitude to another for saving her later turns into an unusual burden of someone else's coercion.
The events of the novel take place against a broad historical background: from Novgorod to Constantinople and from the Oka to the Dnipro, describing how the power of the Kievan prince spread through Russia on the eve of the introduction of Christianity, when the Old Russian state was born on our territory, and how the baptism of the subject lands took place.