It is with great pleasure that we present the proceedings of the 6th Inter- tional, Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2010), which was held in Las Vegas, Nevada. ISVC provides a common umbrella for the four main areas of visual computing including vision, graphics, visualization, and virtual reality. The goal is to provide a forum for researchers, scientists, engineers, and pr- titioners throughout the world to present their latest research ? ndings, ideas, developments, and applications in the broader area of visual computing. This year, the program consisted of 14 oral sessions, one poster session, 7 special tracks, and 6 keynote presentations. The response to the call for papers was very good; we received over 300 submissions for the main symposium from which we accepted 93 papers for oral presentation and 73 papers for poster p- sentation. Special track papers were solicited separately through the Organizing and Program Committees of each track. A total of 44 papers were accepted for oral presentation and 6 papers for poster presentation in the special tracks.
ST: Computational Bioimaging I. - Ontology-Driven Image Analysis for Histopathological Images. - Attribute-Filtering and Knowledge Extraction for Vessel Segmentation. - A Human Inspired Local Ratio-Based Algorithm for Edge Detection in Fluorescent Cell Images. - A Non-rigid Multimodal Image Registration Method Based on Particle Filter and Optical Flow. - Stitching of Microscopic Images for Quantifying Neuronal Growth and Spine Plasticity. - Computer Graphics I. - Semi-uniform, 2-Different Tessellation of Triangular Parametric Surfaces. - Fast and Reliable Decimation of Polygonal Models Based on Volume and Normal Field. - Lattice-Boltzmann Water Waves. - A Texture-Based Approach for Hatching Color Photographs. - Camera Pose Estimation Based on Angle Constraints. - Feature-Preserving 3D Thumbnail Creation with Voxel-Based Two-Phase Decomposition. - ST: Behavior Detection and Modeling. - Learning Scene Entries and Exits Using Coherent Motion Regions. - Adding Facial Actions into 3D Model Search to Analyse Behaviour in an Unconstrained Environment. - Aggregating Low-Level Features for Human Action Recognition. - Incorporating Social Entropy for Crowd Behavior Detection Using SVM. - Introducing a Statistical Behavior Model into Camera-Based Fall Detection. - ST: Low-Level Color Image Processing. - On Contrast-Preserving Visualisation of Multispectral Datasets. - Color Gamut Extension by Projector-Camera System. - Shading Attenuation in Human Skin Color Images. - Color Constancy Algorithms for Object and Face Recognition. - Chromatic Sensitivity of Illumination Change Compensation Techniques. - Study on Image Color Stealing in Log-Polar Space. - Feature Extraction and Matching. - How to Overcome Perceptual Aliasing in ASIFT? . - Speeding Up HOG and LBP Features for Pedestrian Detection by MultiresolutionTechniques. - Utilizing Invariant Descriptors for Finger Spelling American Sign Language Using SVM. - Bivariate Feature Localization for SIFT Assuming a Gaussian Feature Shape. - Linear Dimensionality Reduction through Eigenvector Selection for Object Recognition. - Symmetry Enhanced Adaboost. - Object Category Classification Using Occluding Contours. - Visualization I. - Fractal Map: Fractal-Based 2D Expansion Method for Multi-scale High-Dimensional Data Visualization. - Visual Network Analysis of Dynamic Metabolic Pathways. - Interpolating 3D Diffusion Tensors in 2D Planar Domain by Locating Degenerate Lines. - Indented Pixel Tree Plots. - Visualizing Multivariate Hierarchic Data Using Enhanced Radial Space-Filling Layout. - An Efficient Method for the Visualization of Spectral Images Based on a Perception-Oriented Spectrum Segmentation. - A New Marching Cubes Algorithm for Interactive Level Set with Application to MR Image Segmentation. - Motion and Tracking. - Attention-Based Target Localization Using Multiple Instance Learning. - Introducing Fuzzy Spatial Constraints in a Ranked Partitioned Sampling for Multi-object Tracking. - Object Tracking and Segmentation in a Closed Loop. - Optical Flow Estimation with Prior Models Obtained from Phase Correlation. - Conservative Motion Estimation from Multi-image Sequences. - Gradient-Based Modified Census Transform for Optical Flow. - Depth Assisted Occlusion Handling in Video Object Tracking. - ST: Unconstrained Biometrics: Advances and Trends. - Acquisition Scenario Analysis for Face Recognition at a Distance. - Enhancing Iris Matching Using Levenshtein Distance with Alignment Constraints. - A Mobile-Oriented Hand Segmentation Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Multiscale Aggregation. - Analysis of Time Domain Information for Footstep Recognition. - Shaped Wavelets for Curvilinear Structures for Ear Biometrics. - Face Recognition Using Sparse Representations and Manifold Learning. - Face Recognition in Videos Using Adaptive Graph Appearance Models. - ST: Computational Bioimaging II. - A Spatial-Temporal Frequency Approach to Estimate Cardiac Motion. - Mitosis Extraction in Breast-Cancer Histopathological Whole Slide Images. - Predicting Segmentation Accuracy for Biological Cell Images. - Multiscale Analysis of Volumetric Motion Field Using General Order Prior. - A Multi-relational Learning Approach for Knowledge Extraction in in Vitro Fertilization Domain. - Computer Graphics II. - Reconstruction of Spectra Using Empirical Basis Functions. - Experimental Study on Approximation Algorithms for Guarding Sets of Line Segments. - Toward an Automatic Hole Characterization for Surface Correction. - A Local-Frame Based Method for Vector Field Construction on Raw Point Cloud. - Preprocessed Global Visibility for Real-Time Rendering on Low-End Hardware. - A Spectral Approach to Nonlocal Mesh Editing. - ST: 3D Mapping, Modeling and Surface Reconstruction. - Markov Random Field-Based Clustering for the Integration of Multi-view Range Images. - Robust Wide Baseline Scene Alignment Based on 3D Viewpoint Normalization. - Modified Region Growing for Stereo of Slant and Textureless Surfaces. - Synthetic Shape Reconstruction Combined with the FT-Based Method in Photometric Stereo. - Lunar Terrain and Albedo Reconstruction of the Apollo 15 Zone. - Super-Resolution Mosaicking of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Surveillance Video Using Levenberg Marquardt (LM) Algorithm. - Virtual Reality I. - Computer-Generated Tie-Dyeing Using a 3D Diffusion Graph. - VR Menus: Investigation of Distance, Size, Auto-scale, and Ray Casting vs. Pointer-Attached-to-Menu. - Contact Geometryand Visual Factors for Vibrotactile-Grid Location Cues. - Computer-Assisted Creation of 3D Models of Freeway Interchanges. - Automatic Learning of Gesture Recognition Model Using SOM and SVM.