The question of why the cooperation of Jews with the Persian and Ptolemaic empires achieved some success and why it failed with regard to the Seleucids and the Romans, even turning into military hostility against them, has not been sufficiently answered. The present volume intends to show, from the perspectives of Hebrew Bible, Judaic, and Ancient History Studies, that the contrasting Jewish attitudes towards foreign powers were not only dependent on specific political circumstances. They were also interrelated with the emergence of multiple early Jewish identities, which all found a basis in the Torah, the prophets, or the psalms.
1;Cover ;1 2;Title Page ;4 3;Copyright ;5 4;Preface;6 5;Table of Contents ;8 6;Body ;14 7;Abbreviations;10 8;Judeans, Jews, and their Neighbors: Jewish Identity in the Second Temple Period. Daniel R. Schwartz;14 9;Conflicting Models of Identity and the Publication of the Torah in the Persian Period. Thomas Römer;34 10;Joseph in Egypt: Living under Foreign Rule according to the Joseph Story and its Early Intra- and Extra-Biblical Reception. Jakob Wöhrle;54 11;The Adversaries in Ezra/Nehemiah Fictitious or Real? A Case Study in Creating Identity in Late Persian and Hellenistic Times. Sebastian Grätz;74 12;Genocide in the Book of Esther: Cultural Integration and the Right of Resistance against Pogroms. Reinhard Achenbach;90 13;Are Foreign Rulers Allowed to Enter and Sacrifice in the Jerusalem Temple? Rainer Albertz;116 14;The Construction of Samari(t)an Identity from the Inside and from the Outside. Stefan Schorch;136 15;Manifest Identity: From Ioudaios to Jew: Household Judaism as Anti-Hellenization in the Late Hasmonean. Era Andrea M. Berlin;152 16;Honor and Humiliation as a Factor in Hasmonean Politics according to the Narrator of 1 Maccabees. Doron Mendels;178 17;From the Master of the Elephants to the Most Ungracious Wretch: The Image of Foreign Commanders in the Second Book of Maccabees. Johannes Schnocks;206 18;Seduced by the Enemy or Wise Strategy? The Presentation of Non-Violence and Accommodation with Foreign Powers in Ancient Jewish Literary Sources. Catherine Hezser;222 19;The High Priests and Rome: Why Cooperation Failed. Kai Trampedach;252 20;Index of Ancient Sources;268 21;Index of Authors;278 22;Back Cover ;282