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The Automotive Multimedia Network

400 Lesepunkte
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MOST (Media Oriented Systems Transport) is a multimedia network technology developed to enable an efficient transport of streaming, packet and control data in an automobile. It is the communication backbone of an infotainment system in a car. MOST can also be used in other product areas such as driver assistance systems and home applications.


1;Cover;1 2;Preface;5 3;Contents;13 4;1 MOST Cooperation;21 4.1;1.1 Motivation and History;21 4.2;1.2 Fast Standardization;23 4.3;1.3 Structure and Specification Work;24 4.3.1;1.3.1 The Steering Committee;24 4.3.2;1.3.2 The Administrator;25 4.3.3;1.3.3 The Technical Coordination Group;25 4.3.4;1.3.4 The Working Groups;26 4.3.5;1.3.5 The Technical Coordinator;26 4.4;1.4 The Compliance Verification Program;26 5;2 Survey of the System Architecture;29 5.1;2.1 MOST Layer Model;29 5.2;2.2 Application Framework;30 5.3;2.3 New isochronous transmission mechanisms for MOST150;33 5.4;2.4 Network Services;34 5.5;2.5 MOST Data Link Layer;34 5.5.1;2.5.1 MOST Frame;34 5.5.2;2.5.2 TimingMaster, TimingSlave;35 5.6;2.6 Physical Layer;36 5.6.1;2.6.1 Optical Physical Layer;37 5.6.2;2.6.2 Electrical Physical Layer;38 5.7;2.7 MOST Device;38 5.8;2.8 Network Management;39 5.8.1;2.8.1 NetBlock;40 5.8.2;2.8.2 PowerMaster;40 5.8.3;2.8.3 NetworkMaster; NetworkSlave40 5.8.4;2.8.4 ConnectionMaster;41 5.9;2.9 Error Management and Diagnosis;41 5.10;2.10 Transmission of Multimedia Data;42 6;3 Survey of the MOST Specifications;43 6.1;3.1 Structure;43 6.2;3.2 MOST Specification;44 6.3;3.3 MOST Dynamic Specification;46 6.4;3.4 MOST Function Catalog;46 6.5;3.5 MOST Compliance Test Specifications;46 6.6;3.6 Further Specifications, Guidelines and Cookbooks;48 7;4 Application Framework;49 7.1;4.1 Device Model;49 7.2;4.2 Application Protocol;51 7.2.1;4.2.1 Data Format;51 7.2.2;4.2.2 Dynamic Behavior;59 7.3;4.3 MOST Function Blocks;66 7.3.1;4.3.1 Structure of a Function Block;66 7.3.2;4.3.2 Function Classes;67 7.3.3;4.3.3 Function Interfaces;69 7.3.4;4.3.4 System FBlocks;69 7.3.5;4.3.5 Administration of Streaming Connections;74 7.4;4.4 Standardized Application Interfaces;77 7.4.1;4.4.1 Function Library;77 7.4.2;4.4.2 Common Functions (GeneralFBlock);79 7.4.3;4.4.3 Application Interfaces;79 7.4.4;4.4.4 Example of Use (AuxIn);82 8;5 MOST Protocols;87 8.1;5.1 MOST Frame;87 8.1.1;5.1.1 MOST25 Frame;87 8.1.2;5.1
.2 MOST50 Frame;89 8.1.3;5.1.3 MOST150 Frame;90 8.2;5.2 MOST Data Transport Mechanisms;93 8.3;5.3 Streaming Data;93 8.3.1;5.3.2 Synchronous Data;94 8.3.2;5.3.3 Isochronous Data;94 8.4;5.4 Packet Data Channel;97 8.4.1;5.4.1 Packet data protocol for MOST25 and MOST50;97 8.4.2;5.4.2 Packet data protocol for MOST150;98 8.4.3;5.4.3 Arbitration algorithm;98 8.5;5.5 Control Channel;99 8.5.1;5.5.1 CMS for MOST25;99 8.5.2;5.5.2 CMS for MOST50;104 8.5.3;5.5.3 CMS for MOST150;106 8.6;5.6 Summary;108 8.7;5.7 Addressing;109 8.8;5.8 Higher Protocols;112 8.8.1;5.8.1 MOST High Protocol (MHP);112 8.8.2;5.8.2 Ethernet over MOST;117 8.8.3;5.8.3 MOST Isochronous QoS IP (Streaming);118 8.8.4;5.8.4 MOST Ethernet with QoS IP;119 8.8.5;5.8.5 MAMAC;120 9;6 Physical Layer;121 9.1;6.1 Introduction;121 9.2;6.2 POF Plastic Optical Fibers;122 9.2.1;6.2.1 Basic Principles;122 9.2.2;6.2.2 Polymer Fibers Properties and Advantages;124 9.3;6.3 Contacting of PMMA Fibers;127 9.4;6.4 Opto-Electronic Transceivers;129 9.4.1;6.4.1 LED Transmitter Devices;129 9.4.2;6.4.2 PIN Photodiodes;131 9.4.3;6.4.3 Transceiver Housing and Connectors;131 9.5;6.5 System Considerations for the MOST Physical Layer;135 9.5.1;6.5.1 Basic Principles of Electrical and Optical Parameters;135 9.5.2;6.5.2 Optical and Electrical Requirements;140 9.5.3;6.5.3 Power Budget;143 9.5.4;6.5.4 Timing Requirements;145 9.6;6.6 Alternative Transmission Media;147 10;7 Network and Fault Management;155 10.1;7.1 System Initialization;155 10.1.1;7.1.1 System Query;155 10.1.2;7.1.2 Central Registry;156 10.1.3;7.1.3 Dynamic Addressing;159 10.1.4;7.1.4 Examples of System Starts;159 10.2;7.2 Notification;160 10.3;7.3 Power-Down;162 10.4;7.4 Fault Types;162 10.4.1;7.4.1 Network Faults;163 10.4.2;7.4.2 Device Faults caused by Temperature and Voltage Violations;164 11;8 Network Diagnostics;167 11.1;8.1 Network Fault Detection;167 11.1.1;8.1.1 Ring Break Diagnosis;167 11.1.2;8.1.2 Sudden Signal Off/Critical Unlock Detection;168 11.1.3;8.1.3 Localizing the
Origin of Coding Errors;169 11.1.4;8.1.4 Electrical Control Line;169 11.2;8.2 Device Fault Diagnosis;171 12;9 Network Service;175 12.1;9.1 Overview;175 12.2;9.2 MOST NetServices;176 12.2.1;9.2.1 Models of MOST NetServices;177 12.2.2;9.2.2 Dependencies on MOST Specification Baseline;177 12.3;9.3 Modules of the MOST NetServices;177 12.3.1;9.3.1 Layer I Version 1.x;177 12.3.2;9.3.2 Layer I Versions 2.x and 3.x;180 12.3.3;9.3.3 Layer II Versions 1.x, 2.x and 3.x;183 12.4;9.4 Integration of the MOST NetServices onto the Target Platform;187 12.4.1;9.4.1 Callback Functions;187 12.4.2;9.4.2 Main Loop Architecture;188 12.4.3;9.4.3 Multitasking Architectures;189 12.4.4;9.4.4 System Management Module;190 13;10 MOST Interface Controller;191 13.1;10.1 MOST Network Interface Controller and MOST Device;191 13.2;10.2 MOST Network Interface Controller Families;192 13.2.1;10.2.1 INIC;192 13.2.2;10.2.2 NIC;193 13.3;10.3 The INIC Family;194 13.3.1;10.3.1 Members;194 13.3.2;10.3.2 Overview of Features;195 13.4;10.4 Interfaces to the INIC;195 13.4.1;10.4.1 Available Interfaces;195 13.4.2;10.4.2 Interfaces from Software Perspective;198 13.4.3;10.4.3 Ports, Sockets and Connections;200 13.4.4;10.4.4 Port Message Protocol;202 13.5;10.5 Protection, Encapsulation and the EHC;203 13.5.1;10.5.1 Interaction between INIC and the EHC;203 13.5.2;10.5.2 The Watchdog Functionality;205 13.6;10.6 Configuration through Configuration String;205 13.7;10.7 Control Port;206 13.8;10.8 Streaming Port;207 13.9;10.9 SPI Port;208 13.10;10.10 Transport Stream Interface (TSI);208 13.11;10.11 MediaLB Port;208 13.12;10.12 Power Management;212 13.13;10.13 Intelligent Muting;213 13.14;10.14 Network Interface Controller (NIC);213 13.14.1;10.14.1 Available Interfaces;213 13.14.2;10.14.2 Serial Operation;215 13.14.3;10.14.3 Parallel Operation of CP and SP;215 13.14.4;10.14.4 Possible Configurations (Serial/Parallel);215 13.14.5;10.14.5 The Basic Configuration of a NIC;216 13.14.6;10.14.6 Interfaces for Control Data in NI
Cs;217 13.14.7;10.14.7 Interfaces for Streaming Data in NICs;217 13.14.8;10.14.8 Interfaces for Packet Data in NICs;217 14;11 Tools;219 14.1;11.1 Overview;219 14.2;11.2 Specification Tools;220 14.2.1;11.2.1 MSC Editor;220 14.2.2;11.2.2 MOST Editor;220 14.3;11.3 Simulation and Analysis Tools;223 14.4;11.4 Rapid Prototyping Tools;224 14.4.1;11.4.1 Plug-in for Simulation and Analysis Tools;224 14.4.2;11.4.2 Hardware platform for Rapid Prototyping and Evaluation;224 14.4.3;11.4.3 PC Tool Kit;225 14.4.4;11.4.4 System components;226 14.5;11.5 Hardware Development Tools;226 14.5.1;11.5.1 INIC Remote Viewer;226 14.5.2;11.5.2 MediaLB Analyzer;227 15;12 Compliance Tests;229 15.1;12.1 Objectives of Compliance Tests;229 15.2;12.2 Organization of the Compliance-Process;230 15.2.1;12.2.1 Authorities for the Compliance Process;230 15.2.2;12.2.2 Workflow of the Compliance Process;231 15.3;12.3 Physical Layer Compliance Tests;232 15.4;12.4 Core Compliance Tests;234 15.5;12.5 Profile Compliance Tests;236 15.6;12.6 Interoperability Tests;237 16;13 Testing MOST based Infotainment Systems;239 16.1;13.1 Challenges in Testing MOST Systems;239 16.2;13.2 Overview of the OEM Test Activities;240 16.3;13.3 The Test Process;241 16.3.1;13.3.1 Risk analysis;241 16.3.2;13.3.2 Test design;241 16.3.3;13.3.3 Test implementation;242 16.3.4;13.3.4 Test evaluation;242 16.3.5;13.3.5 Test management;242 16.4;13.4 Component Tests;242 16.5;13.5 Integration Tests;245 16.6;13.6 System Tests;246 16.7;13.7 Test Tools;247 17;14 Introduction of MOST150 in Series Production;249 17.1;14.1 Application of MOST150;249 17.2;14.2 MOST150 technology evaluation;250 17.2.1;14.2.1 Requirements and evaluation structure;250 17.2.2;14.2.2 MOST150 reference platform;252 17.2.3;14.2.3 MOST150_InCar;252 17.2.4;14.2.4 Results of the technology evaluation;253 17.3;14.3 Conclusion;254 17.4;14.4 Outlook;255 18;15 MOST150 Migration;257 18.1;15.1 Introduction;257 18.2;15.2 MOST150 Evolution Approach;257 18.2.1;15.2.1 Hardware Evolution
;258 18.2.2;15.2.2 System Software Evolution;259 18.3;15.3 MOST25/MOST150 Bridge Concept;261 18.3.1;15.3.1 General Bridge Architecture;261 18.3.2;15.3.2 Addressing Concept;262 18.3.3;15.3.3 Network Management;263 18.3.4;15.3.4 PCM Data Bridging;265 19;16 Manufacturing and Processing of MOST Components;267 19.1;16.1 Structure and Testing of Opto-Electronic MOST Components;267 19.1.1;16.1.1 Header;268 19.1.2;16.1.2 Set of Fibers;270 19.1.3;16.1.3 Connectors;275 19.2;16.2 Processing within the Scope of Electronics Manufacture;276 19.2.1;16.2.1 Mounting and Soldering of Headers;276 19.2.2;16.2.2 Mounting and Soldering of Connectors;277 19.2.3;16.2.3 Mounting of Internal Sets of Fibers;278 19.2.4;16.2.4 Device Testing;278 19.3;16.3 Summary;279 20;17 Gateways to MOST;281 20.1;17.1 Distribution of Signals via a Gateway;281 20.2;17.2 Architecture of a Gateway;282 20.3;17.3 MOST CAN Gateway;283 20.4;17.4 MOST Bluetooth Gateway;284 20.5;17.5 Routing of the Control Channel;285 20.5.1;17.5.1 Routing of the Synchronous Audio connections;286 21;18 MOST Applications;289 21.1;18.1 Overview;289 21.2;18.2 Infotainment Headunit;293 21.3;18.3 Media Interface Devices;295 21.4;18.4 Sound Systems;296 21.5;18.5 Audio and Video Transmission Formats;298 21.5.1;18.5.1 Audio Streaming;298 21.5.2;18.5.2 Video Streaming;299 21.6;18.6 MOST for Driver Assist Applications;301 22;Appendix;303 23;A The Description Language MessageSequence Chart (MSC);305 24;B Data rate of the Packet DataChannel of MOST25;310 25;C Abbreviations;312 26;D Glossary;318 27;E Bibliography;325 28;Index;331


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