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1;Cover;1 2;TOC$Contents;6 3;List of Contributors;8 4;CH$Chapter 1. Introduction;10 5;CH$Chapter 2. Evolution of Railroad Economics;20 5.1;1. Introduction;20 5.2;2. Railroads, Economic Development, and the Development of Economics;21 5.3;3. Economics of Railroads, then and Now;23 5.4;4. Railway Pricing;26 5.5;5. Rail Regulation in North America;30 5.6;6. Evolution of Rail Cost Analysis;33 5.7;7. Critiques of Rail Regulation;40 5.8;8. Understanding Competition in Rail Markets;43 5.9;9. The Deregulation Experience in North America;45 5.10;10. Government-Owned Railways;54 5.11;11. Railroad Monopoly Concerns Revisited;57 5.12;12. Conclusion;65 5.13;Notes;66 5.14;Acknowledgment;69 5.15;References;69 6;CH$Chapter 3. A hedonic Cost Function Approach to Estimating Railroad Costs;78 6.1;1. Introduction;78 6.2;2. Hedonic Model of Railroad Costs;80 6.3;3. Using the Hedonic Cost Function to Infer Individual Movement Costs;94 6.4;4. Summary and Implications;100 6.5;Notes;101 6.6;Acknowledgments;103 6.7;References;103 7;CH$Chapter 4. Spatially Generated Transportation Demands;106 7.1;1. Introduction;106 7.2;2. The Model;109 7.3;3. Data;111 7.4;4. Empirical Application and Results;113 7.5;5. Illustrations;114 7.6;6. Demand Schedules;118 7.7;7. Equilibrium and Concluding Comments;122 7.8;Notes;124 7.9;References;126 8;CH$Chapter 5. Rail Passenger Demand Forecasting: Cross-Sectional Models Revisited;128 8.1;1. Introduction;128 8.2;2. Background;129 8.3;3. Enhancing the Catchment Area Specification;133 8.4;4. More Detailed Investigation of Access Time Effects;142 8.5;5. Dealing with Station Competition;152 8.6;6. Conclusions;157 8.7;Note;159 8.8;Acknowledgments;159 8.9;References;159 9;CH$Chapter 6. Railroad Pricing and Revenue-to-Cost Margins in the Post-Staggers Era;162 9.1;1. Background and Introduction;163 9.2;2. Estimated Rail Rates and Marginal Costs;164 9.3;3. Pricing Behavior;173 9.4;4. Revenue-to-Cost Ratio;176 9.5;5. Conclusions;180 9.6;Notes;181 9.7;References;182 9.8;Appe
ndix;184 10;CH$Chapter 7. Options for Restructuring the State-Owned Monopoly Railway;188 10.1;1. Introduction;188 10.2;2. Options for Creating Rail Versus Rail Competition;191 10.3;3. Choosing Among the Alternatives;194 10.4;4. Access Pricing;200 10.5;5. Conclusion;202 10.6;Notes;203 10.7;Acknowledgment;204 10.8;References;204 11;CH$Chapter 8. Trespassing on the Railroad;208 11.1;1. Introduction;208 11.2;2. Data;209 11.3;3. Documented Suicides;209 11.4;4. Historical Perspective;210 11.5;5. Who, Where, and What;213 11.6;6. Time Series Analysis 19472003;218 11.7;7. Decomposition of Time-Series Trends;224 11.8;8. The way Forward;227 11.9;9. Conclusions;231 11.10;References;232 12;CH$Chapter 9. Energy use and Pollutant Emissions Impacts of Shortline Railroad Abandonment;234 12.1;1. Introduction;234 12.2;2. Literature Review;238 12.3;3. The Study Area;242 12.4;4. Description of the Kansas wheat Logistics System;243 12.5;5. The wheat Logistics System Model;245 12.6;6. Transportation Energy Consumption;250 12.7;7. Emission Factors;252 12.8;8. Empirical Results;254 12.9;9. Other External Effects of Shortline Railroad Abandonment;259 12.10;10. Conclusion;260 12.11;Notes;261 12.12;References;261 12.13;Appendix: Mathematical Structure of the Network Model;264 13;CH$Chapter 10. Earnings Differentials of Railroad Managers and Labor;268 13.1;1. Introduction;268 13.2;2. Deregulation and Railroad Labor Earnings;273 13.3;3. Data and Labor Earnings Model;276 13.4;4. Estimation Results;281 13.5;5. Conclusion;282 13.6;Notes;283 13.7;Acknowledgments;286 13.8;References;286 13.9;Appendix;288