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I. Pathological Basis of Therapy in Alzheimer s Disease. - Criteria for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer s Disease. - Neuropathology Of Alzheimer s Disease. - Processing of Amyloid, Cytoskeletal Damage and Apolipoproteins. - Cell Death: Excitotoxins, Apoptosis And Hypometabolism. - Neurotrophins, Growth Factors and Neuroprotectors. - Animal Models. - II. The Cholinergic System in Brain. - Treatment of Alzheimer Disease. - Cholinesterase Inhibitors in Alzheimer Disease Treatment. - III. Nicotinic and Muscarinic Cholinergic Agonists. - Nicotinic Agonists. - Muscarinic Agonists and Antagonists. - The Potential of Antioxidant Therapy. - The Potential for Anti-Inflammatory Therapy. - IV. Development of New Therapies in Alzheimer Disease. - Design of Clinical Trials. - Advances in Assessment. - SPECT and PET. - Potential Markers of Disease Progression and Drug Efficacy in Alzheimer s Disease. - Treatment of Behavioral and Psychosocial Disturbances. - V. Social Issue in Alzheimer Disease. - Legal and Ethical Issues. - Socio-Economic As pects of Alzheimer Disease Treatment. - International Harmonization of Drug Guidelines. - Research Priorities in Alzheimer Disease Treatment An International Perspective. - Author Index.