During a psychedelic intoxication we can perceive our normal, articulated consciousness is as the result of sub- and supraliminal processes, events, intensities and speeds that run through it and shape it. In this book I attempt to weave together individual threads, lines, levels and planes that run through and shape psychedelic experience.
To think from psychedelic experience means to think the process of deterritorialization and reterritorialization. Such thinking departs from an analysis of experience, but it doesn't bind it to a complete and unambiguous subject, but rather to the situation of intoxication itself in whose course the subject becomes multiple and appears to be an intertwining or a temporal congruence of many events that occur on more interconnected levels - biological, personal, social, cultural, or ecological.
Autoethnographic approach
Psychonautic approach
Anthropological approach
Ecosemiotic approach
Philosophical approach
Autoethnographic prelude
The plot
Avant-garde, the Velvet revolution and underground
Philosophical apprentice
Socio-cultural context and psychedelic praxis
The impact of everyday life
Community of night and the way of poisons
Entertainment and free time
Rave culture
Meeting the Dragon
The concept of transdisciplinarity
Methodological precedence of intertwining
To think from and to think according to psychedelic experience
The concept of analogy
Domain, field, umwelt, niche
Niche and Umwelt
Methodological summary
Psychedelic rhizome
The concept of rhizome
Chemical substances
Entropics, disorganizers, deregulators
Beyond naming: phantastica, psychotomimetics and Shulgin's scale
Modelling the domain of psychedelic experiences
Application: Set and setting principles
Onset of psychedelic effect
Deterritorialization of perceptual field
Emergence of hallucinatory field from deterritorialized perception
Synaesthesia and dis-aesthesia
Psychedelic experience of time and space
The supra-perceptual level of the hallucinatory field
Fading of effects
Summary and conclusion