[see attached]
This work should serve as an excellent text for graduate students
and researchers working in the important area of partial differential
equations with a focus on problems involving conservation laws.
Written in a clear, accessible style, the book emphasizes more recent
results that will prepare readers to meet modern challenges in the
subject, that is, to carry out theoretical, numerical, and
asymptotical analysis.
Key features of this work include:
* broad range of topics, from the classical treatment to recent
results, dealing with solutions to the 2-D compressible Euler
1 Problems. - 1. 0 Outline. - 1. 1 Some models. - 1. 2 Basic problems. - 1. 3 Some solutions. - 1. 4 von Neumann paradoxes. - 1. 5 End notes. - I Basics in One Dimension. - 2 One-dimensional Scalar Equations. - 3 Riemann Problems. - 4 Cauchy Problems. - II Two Dimensional Theory. - 5 A 2-D Scalar Riemann Problem. - 6 The 2-D Riemann problem and Pseudo-Characteristics. - 7 Axisymmetric and Self-similar Solutions. - 8 Plausible Structures for 2-D Euler Systems. - 9 The Pressure-Gradient Equations of the Euler Systems. - 10 The Convective Systems of the Euler Systems. - 11 The Two-dimensional Burgers Equations. - III Numerical schemes. - 12 Numerical Approaches. - List of Symbols.