The first book that acknowledges cameralism as a European rather than just a German historical phenomenon.
Introduction: Cameralism in Practice - Marten Seppel
Comparing Cameralisms - the Case of Sweden and Prussia - Lars Magnusson
Baltic Cameralism? - Keith Tribe
Cameralism in Russia: Empress Catherine II and Population Policy - Roger Bartlett
Cameralist Population Policy and the Problem of Serfdom, 1680-1720 - Marten Seppel
Cameralist Writing in the Mirror of Practice: the Long Development of Forestry in Germany - Paul Warde
Cameralist Theoretical Writings on Manufacturing and Administrative Practice in the German Principalities: Conflict and Coherence - Guillaume Garner
Administrative Centralisation, Police Regulations and Mining Sciences as Channels for the Dissemination of Cameralist Ideas in the Iberian World - Alexandre Mendes Cunha
Balancing the Divine with the Private. The Practices of Hushållning in Eighteenth-Century Sweden - Göran Rydén
Johan Ludvig Reventlow's Master Plan at the Brahetrolleborg Estate: Cameralism in Denmark in the 1780s and 1790s - Ingrid Markussen
'Maasreguln wider die Unglücksfaelle' - Cameralism and its Influence on the Establishment of Insurance Schemes - Frank Oberholzner
The Decline of Cameralism in Germany at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century - Hans Frambach
Concluding Remarks - Keith Tribe