""Better Than Vegan" is the Holy Grail of human diets. Read, learn, and thrive."--Howard Lyman, author, "Mad Cowboy" and "No More Bull"!"Chef Del has battled his own dietary demons and emerged triumphant. His deliciously healthy recipes are victories for all of us who care about eating well."--Rory Freedman, co-author, "Skinny Bitch""Chef Del has just expanded your repertoire of healthy, hearty, delicious dishes. His creative instructions on cooking without animals or oils will move you quickly along to a better life."--Dr. John McDougall, MD, and Mary McDougall, creators of the McDougall Program, and bestselling authors of "The Starch Solution""The key to achieving optimum health is getting the right food onto your plate. "Better Than Vegan" could help you do that!"--Alona Pulde, MD and Matthew Lederman, MD, co-founders of Transition To Health: Medical, Nutrition, and Wellness Center"After Chef Del offers his very relatable, fascinating story of struggle with his weight, he valiantly swoops in with the ultimate solution -- a low fat, whole food, plant-based diet. I highly recommend this book as you will fall in love both with the magnificent and healthy recipes as well as their charming creator."--Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT, author of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition" and host of "What Would Julieanna Do?""As Chef Del Sroufe points out, health doesn't come from a 'vegan' diet, it comes from a 'whole-food, plant-based' diet. This is a vegan cookbook that I can wholeheartedly endorse for my patients."--Dr. Heather Shenkman, MD FACC, interventional cardiologist