Nyumbani is the Swahili word for "home." It is also the name of an orphanage outside of Nairobi, founded in 1992 as a hospice for HIV infected babies. Its mission has evolved, but not its ideal to serve society's most vulnerable.
Eric Goldscheider is a freelance writer whose credits include The Boston Globe, The New York Times, the Hartford Courant, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Washington Post and over a dozen college alumni magazines. He co-directed a study abroad program in Kenya from 1995-1998.
"I read your book: 'Nyumbani and the Star Thrower & Adopting Maisha'. It is truly lovely! What I appreciated as I read it is that you have an intimate knowledge of how Nyumbani functions. There is an extraordinary accuracy, an accuracy that often lacks considerably in other media productions. Congratulations."
- Sister Mary Owens, I. B. V. M. , Executive Director, Nyumbani