An introduction to programming using Microsoft's Visual Basic.NET 2010 for anyone with little or no programming experience.
1. Fundamentals of design and programming - starting from scratch; 2. Variable and constants - a place for everything and everything in its place; 3. Writing programs - first you walk, then you run; 4. Writing programs II - more controls and new logic; 5. Using if and case - decisions, decisions, decisions; 6. Loops - once is not enough; 7. Procedures and functions - divide and conquer; 8. Writing programs III - tying it all together, so far; 9. File i/o - files and records and fields, oh my!; 10. Arrays and structures - organizing data; 11. Events and more controls - tips and tricks for programming; 12. Objects and classes - objects are in a class by themselves; 13. Graphics - the visual (and audio) side of Visual Basic; 14. LINQ to SQL - the world runs on databases; 15. Crystal reports - tying databases to output.