Someone has said that in every relationship we must show love. I was heart broken, lost in pain, and searching for love. In all actuality I never knew how to love nor show it until at my lowest point in life when I had no one else to heal my emotional pain. I experienced God's amazing love that has taught me what love is and how to love others. As a child I was traumatized, helpless and lost in pain behind my mother's death. Not knowing or remembering who my mother was, I became desperate to be loved. I cried out within, "Why didn't someone-anyone-save my mother." Many people will experience pain in life whether it's a loss of a loved one, heartbroken, sickness etc....... Some who will read this book will realize that they have walked the same path of pain as I have walked searching for love with eyes that refuse to look to God. I write to each of you from a voice of experience; your experiences are not your best teacher. Learn from the experience of others before you suffer a life of hurt, drama, and hell. My sincere heartfelt desire is that you would come along with me and learn from my journey. This true story was written within the depths of Lisa's heart. God has inspired her to share her story so that others will understand that He will turn past failures into triumphs. You will benefit from a greater love and appreciation for God. Going In Circles..... Is a true account of what God can do in one's lives. In fact if we would only trust him at His Word (Proverbs 3:5,6) He would direct our lives. When you can't trust anyone just...... Cry Out To God! Direction, Healing, Peace, Blessing, Deliverance and Restoration Will Come!