While human beings might be rational animals, they are emotional animals as well. Emotions play a central role in all areas of our lives and if we are to have a proper understanding of human life and activity, we ought to have a good grasp of the emotions. Michael S. Brady structures Emotion: The Basics around two basic, yet fundamental, questions: What are emotions? And what do emotions do? In answering these questions Brady provides insight into a core component of all our lives, covering:
the nature of emotion;
emotion, knowledge, and understanding;
emotion and action;
emotions and social groups;
emotion, morality, and art.
In this concise and insightful introduction, Brady explains why we are often better off as a result of emotion rather than reason being in the driving seat, as our lives, both individual and social, would be significantly impoverished without the emotions. With a glossary of key terms and suggestions for further reading, Emotion: The Basics is an ideal starting point for anyone seeking a full introduction to the philosophical study of emotion.
Acknowledgments. Introduction. Chapter 1: The Nature of Emotion. Chapter 2: Emotion, Knowledge, and Understanding. Chapter 3: Emotion and Action. Chapter 4: Emotions and Social Groups. Chapter 5: Emotion, Morality, and Art. Glossary. Bibliography.